Betta Bubbles

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Betta Bubbles. Is this normal? I took a couple photos. A
[/CODE]lso in my play sand on the bottom of tank is black. I am not sure what it is. Do I have to take out the sand and re wash it? I never use soap, just wanted to point that out. But it looks like soap bubbles.


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Betta Bubbles. Is this normal? I took a couple photos. A
[/CODE]lso in my play sand on the bottom of tank is black. I am not sure what it is. Do I have to take out the sand and re wash it? I never use soap, just wanted to point that out. But it looks like soap bubbles.

Yes, those bubble are a nest. Males make them in the hopes that a female will come along and spawn with them. As Colin said, they are a great sign of the fish's health. Don't worry about destroying them during the water changes or anything as they will just rebuild them.
As for the bubbles on the sand, that's an algae forming a film. You can just periodically stir the sand to cover it up so that it doesn't get enough light to grow. Algaes are a response to excess nutrients so probably from the higher nitrate level you had. Keep that low and the algae should die off. (y)
That's a lot of bubbles! When they get old they make less and less and finally none at all. Enjoy him in his prime!
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