40 Litre Tank Just Won't Cycle :/

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 30, 2013
Parents decided to get a 40 litre tank to keep a small school of neon tetras and asked me help them cycle it. I added 4ppm of ammonia 2 weeks ago and since then nothing is happening :blink: and done everything exactly the same as I did with my large tank.

My large 160 litre is almost done and that's been cycling for nearly 2-3 weeks now. They got a all complete which came with a submergible filter and not a external one and I'm guessing is the submergible filter simply not strong enough to cycle or because its smaller, its going to take even longer.
You have to keep adding ammonia. I would only add 1 part though every couple if days. When you eventually get a nitrate reading. Gradually increase to 2ppm for a week then 3 then 4ppm. When ammonia goes from 4-0ppm in 24 hours and you have 0 nitrites and a nitrate reading below 20ppm you are safely cycled.

As long as the filter output flow is at least 4 x the size of the tank then the filter is fine.
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