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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 24, 2005
I just read a thread about a sick featherduster. i have a new featherduster that looks like it has something coming out of the end of the tube too. It looks like a tube made of sand. I thought maybe the worms was dead because the feathers weren't out. i took some tank water out and removed him from the the tank but later his feathers came back out. I put him back in the tank. Is this stuff coming out maybe fesses? How do I know? If he dies is the only evidence the lack of plumiage?
What is new? Couple of days?

Put him in a lower light, soft (not dead/still) flow area and be patient. he can "blow" his plummage and still be in there. Will grow another in a some weeks.

The only way I know If one is dead - or moved out and will begin to make another tube somehwere else - is when you lightly touch the tube and don't feel anything move - or feels empty.

Anyway, be patient and see what happens.
I have had him about 1 month.The reason I am concerned is because I just had 3 shrimp die because of copper in my tank. I don't have any readings for copper but I am almost positive that was the problem with shrimp. I add a filter to the main with a bio wheel that been used in a Qt that was treated with copper. The qt had o readings for copper also but obviously that was in correct because all the shrimp died within 2 weeks of the bio wheel being added.
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