Tank Shots

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 18, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I did some thinning out and moved a few things around. Felt like doing something after looking at czcz's tank! You can see a rare appearance by one of two yo yo loaches I got to rid me of Ramshorn snails that recently hitch hiked into my tank. The yo yo's seem pretty shy, don't see them often. Then again, I just got them a couple of days ago, and it's a bright tank, still at 4WPG. Not all my plants objected to the high light of 6 WPG. The Ludwigia glandulosa in the back grew well and turned a beautiful wine red.The Corymbosa compact in the middle and left side turned bright green and really grew like a weed. The Bacopa grew out of the water so it has been trimmed to mid level. Lost My Rotala Mac but the tank is still doing ok, bit of a cloudy water problem but nothing magor. Getting Ammania senegalinsis soon to fill in the right side where the Mac was. Was going to have to take something out to make room for the Ammania, wasn't sure what. Losing the Mac made that a no brainer! Still hoping the small piece of Mac by the reactor comes back.
Tank looks great. Nice arrangement and lovely colors. I have my fingers crossed for your mac. I want to see more pictures of that in the future.
That tank and your plants are incredible. *Love* that close-up shot. Do you leave H. corymbosa "compact" alone or trim it often?
glenc your post has given me an idea for a good thread... oh and tank looks really amazing. what are u using for ground cover? we need to talk about trading some plants u live sooo close!!
czcz, I haven't touched the H. corymbosa as it grows really slow. Loves high light. If you grow it in lower light the leaves go transparent and fall off. Loves lots of CO2 as well. Might have to thin it out a bit soon. It sends out tons of little shoots and spreads more out than up. Great in a smaller tank. Easy to break off and re-plant. Thats Crypt parva in between the two Corymbosa plants, which were planted as two seperate potted plants.
mr funktastic, the ground cover is Hemianthus callitrichoides
'cuba". It grows well in med light but prefers high light. Pearls easy and often. Cool little plant, a bit hard to find. I started with two pots and separated it into 8 small bunches. It's hard to plant as it is very fine and likes to float away! It's worth the effort, spreads fast once it gets going. You now have enough light to grow reds and some high light stuff. Might just have something for you!
p.m. me your address.
nice tank.

forgive me for asking, but what is thing that looks like a gravel-vac in the second pic?
OK...so now I know what I want my tank to look like....thanks for the inspiration Glenc....I need more bunch plants. Anyone want some humongus sword plants?? (he he) The L. glandulosa looks awesome, will it turn red in 4 wpg or does it need 6?
Thanks guys! If I can do this, anyone can! You can't go wrong with advice from the folks on this forum. They are some of the most giving, knowledgeable people I've ever come across. I started my first planted tank ever in Nov 05. I blew my knee out at work and needed something to do while I was recovering from the surgery. I learned everything I know from this site. I will always have a planted tank in my house and am totally hooked on the hobby now. I still have a ton to learn, I will always be grateful to the folks that gave me the information and inspiration to give this a go. The thing that looks like a gravel vac is an old gravel vac. I cut it down to fit my tank, piped CO2 into it, attatched a pump and you have a powered CO2 reactor. Works great if you want to get 25 to 30 ppm CO2 consistently. It's easy to make, and surprize surprize, I learned how to build it on this very forum. The L glandulosa turned that beautiful wine red in 4WPG, didn't need 6. Went a bit darker red in 6WPG, but not required. Saw this plant in some of Travis's tank shots, inspired me to try it. Everything you see in those shots was done with 4WPG. Glad you liked my tank, I love doing it!
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