Blue-spotted Watchman Goby addition

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 6, 2008
Hills of Northern KY
Finally decided to get a watchman Goby after reading all of your posts...he is about 3 inches long and 1/2 inch wide and has a BIG mouth!!!

I would like to add a shrimp to be a companion to him, but I don't want him to eat there a trick to introductions or is it just plain luck if they pair?

He eats well and doesn't seem afraid of things or the other fish...actually he is pretty mellow..I really like this Goby...I haven't seen him sift any sand that typical of this type?

He is in a 75 SW with lots of LR (sorry can't post camera for that) and has taken a spot in back under a rock for his place.

I also want to get another Neon Cleaner Goby and I don't want him eaten either as my last one cleaned all my fish. Do they eat other little Gobies?

Any info will be appreciated...Thanks
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