adding refugium to help combat algae?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 9, 2005
South Carolina
(15 gallon reef tank) I've had a bad geen hair algae bloom and am slowly battleing it. I'm thinking about adding a refugiume with some mangrove in it. Does this sound like a good idea? Currently, Im syphoning, pulling, reduced the time on the lights, water changes, and nitrate remover in the biowheel filter.
Also, if I did add a refugiume, that would replace the biowheel filter, right?
Any thoughts?
Your hair algae is most likely due to nutrients in your water. A sump/refugium would help with this problem. Instead of adding mangrove, i would look to add some chaeto.

What kind of water are you using? RO/DI? What is the phosphate level of your make up water? What is the tds reading of your water?

What are you feeding? How much LR do you have? DSB?
I'm using RO. I havn't checked phosphate or tds levels. I plan on reading up on that. (Are there kits for those?)
I wasn't exactly sure what you meant by "what are you feeding". In my tank is a clown, two gobies, 2 shrimp, snails and hermits. I have a leather, polyps, ricordea(sp?), acrapora, and anemone. I use frozen brine shrimp every other day(about a fourth of the little cube) or so and about once a week I use a squirt of phytoplankton.
As for LR, not sure the wieght but about 25% of the tank is LR. There's no more than 2" of sand.
Thank you so much for your reply
Yes check your tank for nitrates and phosphates. These are fuel for hair algea.
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