My new 100G tank

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i've heard ppl doing it and there's even a thing on petco about an amazon biotype sayng get a 30 gallon with either a pair of angels or discus
i've heard ppl doing it and there's even a thing on petco about an amazon biotype sayng get a 30 gallon with either a pair of angels or discus

In general, I would avoid any type of fish advice from Petco. FWIW.
yeah... I would NEVER put a fish that gets to 6" and is that round in a 30g. I'd do a pair in a 55. Maybe.
Well, I wouldn't call them "bad people" but, I would say they give bad advice on fish care.

I dont like to try Discus because I know that they will require a more mature tank. Also I really want to have a community with different school species.
Like tetras, rainbows, corys, loaches and a pair of angels.....
Well if your set on that for your 100 gal I would say you definately have to get some rummy nose tetras.
I recently got discus for my 125. 8 in total, they are awesome. They are in there with a few dozen danio choprai.

If you are into community with small fish, when you choose your mid level schoolers (tetras, etc) pick your favorite 2 or 3 and get large schools of each, rather than several small schools of different species. It can look really chaotic when you have fish going in every direction lol. Just a suggestion.

It's not a bad idea to get a few more angels, just keep an eye out for any bullying.

I would add more corys, large groups of corys are great to watch.
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