what plants should i get?

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May 11, 2013
Ok i got a 55 gallon with like 18 white cloud minnows,2 albino buenos Aires tetra,1 pleco, 1 black khuili loach,10 mollys(mostly babys), 3 ghost shrimp, 1 albino rainbow shark, 4 german blue ram, and 1 Bolivian ram. I want plants that can be full submerged and spread quickly,the fish will like and increase the chances of breeding and help the water.....im horrible at picking out plants i figured because i bought mondo grass and lucky bamboo and i think there not suppose to be all the way under water XD
Dwarf hairgrass is very difficult to grow because it requires high light, CO2, and fertilizers.
is there something like it thats easier that they sell @ petsmart because i want a plant that is kind of grass-like that will also my blue rams would want to breed in
DHG is the only grass like plant that I've seen at petco/petsmart, you might see some micro sword if you're lucky and have a good fish section in those stores, but it needs some decent light as well.
Have you considered dwarf saggitaria? It's not as fine, but it will fill in and will grow in a low light, low tech tank. It is a grass like plant though not as fine nor densely covering as those you mention. I have some in my tank that I started 3 weeks ago. It is growing. It tends to lose a few leaves when first planted, but then grows. I looked at micro sword and rejected it, and didn't even consider hair grass because of my experience level as well as low light levels.
For those plants do i have to get the stupid plant fertilizer stuff and have it potted cuz all i want to do is put it in my tank and it grows and stuff plus.my fish will like it
In general, with low tech plants with low lighting, you can let your fish waste fertilize them. Even with low tech, certain plants like swords need root tabs and liquid carbon can help. I use Seachem Excel, Flourish, and Flourish root tabs in my low tech tank. The little I use is not much cost or bother. Your fish will probably love whatever live aquatic plants you choose.
I don't want to have plants that need the plant liquid fertilizer stuff
I would suggest cambomba I think its a really neat looking plant and it would do good in a 55gallon
The Cabomba, also known as the Carolina Fanwort, is not a beginner plant, and requires co2, moderate light and fertilizer

Oh I'm sorry I wasnt aware...mine seem to be doing pretty good with out any ferts or anything special I will have to look into that then thanks for the info.
I think cabomba needs at least moderate lighting and liquid ferts. I think hornwort might be a better suggestion and would look similar. OP I really doubt you'll find any grass like plants that will live if you don't want to use any fertilizers.
I would agree with the person who said try dwarf sagittaria- I've had it in my low-tech tank for almost 2 weeks and it's really the only thing that is thriving (I have 1.5 wpg) it has even sent out runners and made a few babies:

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