Angelfish on botox?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 30, 2013
I came home from a weeks vacation with my daughter house sitting and my angelfish looks like he got Botox? Is this assign of illness for him? It hasn't gone down in a weeks time.


My ph is steady at 7.8' .4 nitrate and 0 ammonia. 35g freshwater
I came home from a weeks vacation with my daughter house sitting and my angelfish looks like he got Botox? Is this assign of illness for him? It hasn't gone down in a weeks time.

My ph is steady at 7.8, .4 nitrate and 0 ammonia.
I have started treating for fungus using Fishkeeper from my local aquarium store. If that does not work il go to the chemical stuff I guess. I think my other angel fish may have died in the tank and my daughter didn't see it so it contaminated the water. I've done a water change and cleaned the filters. All the other fish appear ok with no outward signs of stress. I have some tetras and a couple algae eaters as well as a rainbow shark. Please let me know if I should be doing something more aggressive or if I need to separate him. In the three years of having my tanks I have not had to deal with this. Thank you!
the fungus treatment wont hurt the other fish but if it concerns u put the angel in another tank and medicate her there. angels are known to pick things off rocks and plants and stuff and she may have cut her lip and got it that way. I have been breeding angels for a long time and have seen a lot but never this so good luck

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