sad fish?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 12, 2013
Ever since my platys sister died, she's just been sitting at the bottom of the tank. She comes out to eat, water parameters are all good. And her find aren't clamped. Anything I can do to to cheer her up? Thanks everyone!
is she all alone? get another platy most community fish dont do good alone in my experience they need someone to play with haha
is she all alone? get another platy most community fish dont do good alone in my experience they need someone to play with haha

No, she's with 4 others, just that specific one that died was her best friend, and her sister. Both from the same batch and identical. They always used to swim around together. But she doesn't pay much attention to the other platys. Anything I can do?
Yes, I'd get her another female. :( poor little girl hahaha. Ut yeah most community fish don't do well alone
hmm thats a tough one if she is still with other platys. have you tried rearranging the decorations at all? it might get her to come out more and start being social again
hmm thats a tough one if she is still with other platys. have you tried rearranging the decorations at all? it might get her to come out more and start being social again

I've tried that too, maybe if I.gif another platy from the same batch from my.other tank, or got that looked like her sister it'll make her.come out.
I had that happen once with angels. My large angel I got first, then a baby angel later on. They did GREAT together despite differences in age and size. But my filter was (unknowingly) too strong for quarter sized angels and the next morning I found it dead attached to my filter. Needless to say I was crying and my poor big angel girl sat by the body until I removed it. Even after she sat there and just stayed by the filter. I never again found another angelfish big enough to survive the filter intake. :/ (never looked into sponges)
It took for my fish a dose of stress coat (before I used prime I used stress coat), a 20% water change or so, and some new tank mates (that weren't angels - I think they were platies or mollies) to liven her up a little. It took a few days I believe. The others were zippy and cheerful and helped her get back on track I believe.

I'd go to the LFS and buy 3 or 4 FEMALE platys (if you have the room) the most lively ones you can find. Maybe one that looks like the sister that died.

Also do a water change and add some water conditioner. Prime, stress coat, whatever you use. Might help her out.

I feel bad for fish that act like this when a friend does :(

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