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Get a school of at least 5-6 and usually they will keep the aggression within themselves. Mine like to play the game of "temporary my space". Each will pick him about 6"x6" space to call his own. If another Serpae comes into his space, the spin flare bluffs commence. They don't actually hit or hurt each other, and they really show their fins and color when they do it. Fun to watch. Really long fin fish like Bettas or veil finned Angles can be nipped occasionally. Mainly when they get into their "space". OS.
My neons do the sane thing! Than they break formation and school up to feed, rather strange..
My neons do the sane thing! Than they break formation and school up to feed, rather strange..

My neons are kinda lame they always school but they don't move much they stick to the bottom of the tank and don't swim around much. But I figure once I add more fish to the tank they'll move around more I'm still filling it out it's a new set up.
Get a school of at least 5-6 and usually they will keep the aggression within themselves. Mine like to play the game of "temporary my space". Each will pick him about 6"x6" space to call his own. If another Serpae comes into his space, the spin flare bluffs commence. They don't actually hit or hurt each other, and they really show their fins and color when they do it. Fun to watch. Really long fin fish like Bettas or veil finned Angles can be nipped occasionally. Mainly when they get into their "space". OS.

Thanks for the advice! I'll probably get 6-8 depending what I have room for. I love the color shows that fish put on when they have their little disputes. I have two pairs of rams in my 90g and when the males were initially fighting over territory the colors were just phenomenal.
Do you have any real of fake plants they can swim into. Once they know they have some hiding places they get a little braver and will come out more. OS.
Nothing, Do you have any real of fake plants they can swim into. Once they know they have some hiding places they get a little braver and will come out more. OS.

Yeah I've got a fair bit of both real and live plants. The decorations are just kinda thrown together right now I haven't had a chance to rearrange everything to how I want it yet it's still pretty new.


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My neons like to get together in a loose group inside a clump of plants. They'll take spells where they will all come out in the open all at once. Mine like to bluff/spin/flair at each other just like my serpaes I guess it's a tetra thing. lol/ Your tank looks really good. Very attractive. OS.
Nothing, My neons like to get together in a loose group inside a clump of plants. They'll take spells where they will all come out in the open all at once. Mine like to bluff/spin/flair at each other just like my serpaes I guess it's a tetra thing. lol/ Your tank looks really good. Very attractive. OS.

Yeah I notice my Congo tetras doing that haha. Thanks! I'm gonna do some rearranging tonight I'll post a pic when I'm done. And I'll see if it helps my neons get moving a bit more
Yeah I've got a fair bit of both real and live plants. The decorations are just kinda thrown together right now I haven't had a chance to rearrange everything to how I want it yet it's still pretty new.
I've noticed you have a unique decoration in your tank, nice ;)
Haha yes I do! Got a spare one in a goodie bag that I decided I'd never use so I figured I'd use it as a decoration :p it seems to be a favorite for algae eaters it's always the first thing they attack when introduced to the tank.
Haha yes I do! Got a spare one in a goodie bag that I decided I'd never use so I figured I'd use it as a decoration :p it seems to be a favorite for algae eaters it's always the first thing they attack when introduced to the tank.
Haha it's funny because my girlfriends aunt had one in her frog tank too , she thought it was " pretty"
Haha it's funny because my girlfriends aunt had one in her frog tank too , she thought it was " pretty"

Haha that is funny, they certainly are pretty! Did some rescaping of the tank and added my African Butterfly Fish. He's one of my coolest fish he's just not active at all he sits in the back in the floating plants. Hence his name, "Grumpy".


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My favourite is the Honey Gourami!!
My hillstream loach! I have two and they're so active and cute!

Omg I absolutely LOVE your hill stream!! I'm thinking of getting one for my 65g hex- do you think that 1 would be okay in there with 3 angels, 6 panda or skunk cory and 10 assorted long finned danio?
Omg I absolutely LOVE your hill stream!! I'm thinking of getting one for my 65g hex- do you think that 1 would be okay in there with 3 angels, 6 panda or skunk cory and 10 assorted long finned danio?

Hillstream loaches really should be in a species only tank or with fish that are peaceful that can handle the environment that hillstreams need. By that I mean they need very strong water current and I believe pristine water conditions.
Hillstream loaches really should be in a species only tank or with fish that are peaceful that can handle the environment that hillstreams need. By that I mean they need very strong water current and I believe pristine water conditions.

;-) so take away angels, add power head halfway down with a waterfall style filter outlet and throw in some long fin golden hill stream minnow? Lol
;-) so take away angels, add power head halfway down with a waterfall style filter outlet and throw in some long fin golden hill stream minnow? Lol

Well I'm no hillstream expert nor have I kept hillstreams but I've been stalking forums.loaches.com for a long while now. Not once have I seen a tank with anything else but small-medium cories or a pleco. Personally if I were starting to keep hillies, I'd keep them species only.
I'm loving this thread!! Great pics everyone!

Finally got a decent shot of my Bentos Tetra..these guys are fast!

Green Tiger Barb..

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