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For me it's a tough call between my rotkiel severum and leopard ctenopoma. My severum always rushes to the tank to greet me and spends a lot of time swimming around the front of the glass checking things out in my room.


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For me it's a tough call between my rotkiel severum and leopard ctenopoma. My severum always rushes to the tank to greet me and spends a lot of time swimming around the front of the glass checking things out in my room.
Your tank looks very cool, as do the fish, that driftwood looks great too!
Your tank looks very cool, as do the fish, that driftwood looks great too!

Thanks! I've been pretty fortunate with the stock available locally, I've been able to find what I want with good quality. I just finished up the tank a couple weeks ago with the final addition being some Orange Head Tapajos and they've really colored up nicely! I can't wait to see what a few more months will do for them. And as for the driftwood, I fell in love at first site of that piece. It's the perfect height too!


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Thanks! I've been pretty fortunate with the stock available locally, I've been able to find what I want with good quality. I just finished up the tank a couple weeks ago with the final addition being some Orange Head Tapajos and they've really colored up nicely! I can't wait to see what a few more months will do for them. And as for the driftwood, I fell in love at first site of that piece. It's the perfect height too!
So what are those called? They have those at my Lfs, spend 5 min in front of the tank every time I go,awesome fish! can never remember names.. I know what it's like, try explaining to your friends that you spent $25 on a piece, " you spent 25 on a stick?!?" :) yup!!
Those are the Orange Head Tapajos. It's so fun to watch them sift the sand all day. I wish it was only 25 my LFS charges an arm and a leg for sticks haha, I think it was 50 bucks! But my friends don't need to know that, just that it's pretty ;) sheesh, if they knew what I've spent on my decor and whatnot between my three tanks...
Earth eaters??

It was a nice redfish brown when I got it..


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Yup they are earth eaters! And boy do they go hard. I put Indian Almond leaves in the tank for a nice leaf litter and they have them almost completely buried by the end of the day. I have to keep unburying all the leaves and small rocks haha. Wow nice tank! The red substrate looks really good with the plants. Here's mine where the Orange Heads and Severum are.


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Yup they are earth eaters! And boy do they go hard. I put Indian Almond leaves in the tank for a nice leaf litter and they have them almost completely buried by the end of the day. I have to keep unburying all the leaves and small rocks haha. Wow nice tank! The red substrate looks really good with the plants. Here's mine where the Orange Heads and Severum are.
Nice flow, I like the natural gravel, my next tank will def be a more natural look. I watch them at the store tearing up the bottom, seriously cool fish, maybe one day..
Two of my little red devils

Serpae tetras. They don't really bother the other fish luckily, but they really bluff flare at each other. They think they're tuff guys. They get so red when happy. OS.


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Serpae tetras. They don't really bother the other fish luckily, but they really bluff flare at each other. They think they're tuff guys. They get so red when happy. OS.

I've been thinking about getting a school of these guys, they look awesome
Get a school of at least 5-6 and usually they will keep the aggression within themselves.
Mine like to play the game of "temporary my space". Each will pick him about 6"x6" space to call his own. If another Serpae comes into his space, the spin flare bluffs commence. They don't actually hit or hurt each other, and they really show their fins and color when they do it. Fun to watch. Really long fin fish like Bettas or veil finned Angles can be nipped occasionally. Mainly when they get into their "space". OS.
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