Best ferts, co2, root tabs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 28, 2013
I'm not much of a diy guy (tend to mess things up and get frusturated) so in all of your guys/girls experience what are your favorite/most reliable pressurized co2 systems, best root tabs and favorite liquid ferts?

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Co2 systems, if you want to spend a little more green leaf aquariums has a great co2 line

Osmocote plus root tabs have a good following. You can buy premade ones off the classifieds or eBay.

Liquid ferts: the pps pro system off of the green leaf aquariums website is one of the cheapest aswell as best ways to go. Also it's so easy to mix is not really diy and you'll save allot in the long run.
CO2 systems: I'm using an Aquatek Premium with CoolTouch Solenoid. It accepts regular tanks as well as paintball tanks (with an adaptor). Only one I've used so I cannot comment on other models.
Ferts -Substrate: I use AquaFertz root pellets. Good results with them. Economical; 75 tabs for about $10.
Ferts - Water Column: GLA PPS Pro.
Sounds good, I was just at petsmart returning the biggest waste of time hob filter and picked up some seachem flourish tabs expensive but the only thing I'm aware of being nearby.

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I'll have to look up your suggestions for sure I might be able to salvage a co2 system off a much larger tank so I'll keep in touch on that. I'm getting a free tank (hopefully) I think the dimensions are 6'lx2'hx2'd w/ light filter co2 driftwood and plants.

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I'll have to look up your suggestions for sure I might be able to salvage a co2 system off a much larger tank so I'll keep in touch on that. I'm getting a free tank (hopefully) I think the dimensions are 6'lx2'hx2'd w/ light filter co2 driftwood and plants.

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That's not a tank; it's a bathtub. Awesome. Post your Qs and pics of the new setup if things work out.
Unfortunately no where to put it in the house but prob will sell what I can't salvage

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Okay so I'm looking into the green leaf aquariums gro pro co2 system (I believe is the name) now my main question is with a "system" will it come with all of the hardware necessary for setup and continued use of co2 in my aquarium, since I'm just really delving into co2 I have NO clue what all is required for a working setup. Also another thing is how much would it cost to fill a 10lb tank, what sort of place could do this and how long would it last?

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Dick's sporting goods (forum may censor that, D*ck's), Academy, any local paintball places, other sporting goods stores. Even some hardware stores. Price can vary. Shop around. I've been quoted from $4/lb to $20/10lb, and sometimes they trade your tank, too. There may also be a surcharge for tank inspection/testing the first time you take it in. A 24oz tank lasted for four months on someone's tank. Depends how much you're pumping into the tank, and how long you run it. A good while.

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I bought a bottle of Osmocote+ and a 1,000 pack of 00 gelcaps off eBay for about $10. Should last me... A lonnnng time.

I also ordered the PPS Pro pack from Which is also supposed to last a long time. I'd been using Seachem's line of ferts, Flourish, Potassium, Phosphorus, and Iron. PPS Pro replaces all of that, costs the same, and lasts much, much longer.

For a secondary carbon source, I was using Seachem Excel, but my gallon of Metricide 14 will be here in a day or two. $20 for a gallon on eBay, vs. $15 for a 500 mL bottle of Excel.

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So I'm looking at the aquatek right now and it looks like a regulator w/ integrated solenoid and also comes with bubble counter what else would I need to get this into operation?

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If I'm not mistaken just tubing and a tank?

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Okay so the pps pro looks like an excellent deal! so osmocote+ looks as though it has mixed reviews, some people are saying dry ferts are the way to go and are more economical? Do you guys agree or disagree with this and also what would be the benefit of dosing specific dry ferts instead of osmocote?
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Osmocote+ is used for diy root tabs, it is used in addition to dry ferts mixed with water in the bottles provided, not in place of.

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When I looked up osmocote plus it came up with like outdoor garden plant food is that the correct product? Also if it is used in combination with dry ferts what all would that entail? I feel like I'm getting way beyond my breadth of aquarium knowledge. Is all of this really necessary? Would pps pro, co2, and root tabs (of which is undecided) be a quality amount of nutrients for most plants?

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As far as I know I do not have any dry ferts in the aquarium.

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This may be a rehash of things already covered...
One thing I needed to understand when it came to planted tanks was the 3 way balance of lights, ferts, and carbon. At low light levels, the other two are not that critical for most plants. As light increases, the correct proportions of the other two need to be maintained. If out of proportion, poor plant growth due to nutrient deficiencies and out of control algae can result.
Ferts are provided to the plants in two ways: substrate and water column. Substrate ferts can be in the form of DIY root capsules or commercially available root tablets/pellets. Water column ferts can be liquid (e.g. Seachem line of products) or dry (GLA's PPS-Pro).
Carbon can be provided through the injection of CO2 gas (DIY or Pressurized), via liquid (API CO2 Booster, Seachem Flourish Excel, Metricide/Glutaraldehyde), or a combination of both. A pressurized setup should include a tank, regulator, solenoid, bubble counter, check valve, CO2 tubing, diffuser, drop counter, and CO2 indicator fluid. The latter is a pH based fluid that goes into the drop counter; the drop counter displays colors to indicate indirectly how much CO2 is present in the water.
Hope this helps.
When I looked up osmocote plus it came up with like outdoor garden plant food is that the correct product? Also if it is used in combination with dry ferts what all would that entail? I feel like I'm getting way beyond my breadth of aquarium knowledge. Is all of this really necessary? Would pps pro, co2, and root tabs (of which is undecided) be a quality amount of nutrients for most plants?

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It's all allot easier than it sounds.

Yes that is the right osmocote plus.

" Dry Ferts" is just another name for systems like pps pro, it just means you mix the solution yourself.

And yes, co2, pps pro, and root tabs will take care of your plants assuming you have enough light.

I have an aquatek paintball regulator on my 20 gallon. A 20 oz tank lasted me 3 months. I only recommend gla because I believe they have a better more reliable product.

All you need is a regulator (preferably with a solenoid so you can put your co2 on a timer)

Bubble counter (amazon under 10$)

Co2 diffuser ( amazon under 10$ I have the fluval one it works great)

Co2 tubing ( normal airline will leak)

And prob a drop counter to watch you co2 levels. (I got one from fluval of amazon)
Thank you for your replies it starts to get stressful to me when I have little to no clue what I'm trying to get into and your comments definitely help a lot! I think as far as that co2 system is concerned I'm going to wait it out and see what kind of system that tank has on it (the bath tub) in the meantime I'll probably order some osmocote, capsules and the pps pro. If any of you have a suggestion on exactly which osmocote product to purchase I'd really appreciate it (looked like there was a couple different ones).

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I just made some I'm selling atm, 12$ for 100 shipped, but you could go on Amazon and order o+ and the capsules and make them for cheaper.

Don't worry about having no clue you'll learn as you go if you ask questions.
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