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  1. skywhitney

    Switching to Dirt

    I'm wanting to switch up my 120g to a dirt tank but I know I'll have lots of questions along the way. Hopefully this can help someone else in the future as well. Does anyone have experience using this dirt? (I used tiny URL cause the original link was massive)
  2. skywhitney

    LED for High Tech Planted Tank

    Afternoon (at least here) everyone! I've done a search of the forums and came up pretty empty for what I was looking for so I'm not sure if it's come up before or not. I'm going to be moving soon and will end up setting up a new 120g or 180g planted tank. I'll be running high light...
  3. skywhitney

    120g Planted Possibility

    It's been quite some time since I've been on this forum so I figured it was time to come by and say hi :) I'm currently playing around with ideas and plannings of a new 120g (4'x2'x2') build and it never hurts to put all my ideas into writing to see if they all add up and make sense, possibly...
  4. skywhitney

    Thinking of switching to LED

    I've been thinking of switching from my T5HO to LEDs on my 93g cube (30"x30"x24"). I'm in a bit of a toss up between a radion (might be overkill but has some cool features, I run them on all my SW tanks) or a couple of the 6700k BML units. Does anyone have any experience with either units in a...
  5. skywhitney

    Bobbit Worm?

    I was dipping a new colony of Lobo's that I got and I found this rather terrifying guy in the water after I removed the colony. My gut is telling me that it's a Bobbit worm and I've had a couple others from the lfs tell me that they think it might be as well but I wanted to put it out there and...
  6. skywhitney

    Regular hair algae?? Or something else?

    I have had a sudden outbreak (within the last two days) of what looks like brown hair algae but I'm not sure that's what it is. I'm not ruling out cyano but it doesn't look or behave like any of the cyano that I've dealt with before. It's started to grow over a bunch of my corals and it's...
  7. skywhitney

    Unknown Coral

    I picked up this frag at the LFS but am unsure if this is a type of Monti, a type of Chalice, or maybe something else. It has a purple flesh with bright blue polyps that stay really short giving it a fuzzy appearance. It likes high light and pretty high flow too. Anyone have any guesses...
  8. skywhitney

    Sky's 93g Planted Cube

    I had just recently started redoing my 70g plated tank to bring it back to a point where I felt it was in good shape. After deciding not to switch my Reef tank out into this cube I decided to use it for my FW setup instead, and I'm glad I did! Here are the current specs of the tank...
  9. skywhitney

    70g Reboot

    About a year ago I decided to go low tech on my FW tank which made it really easy but I never really liked it so I finally decided to go back to what I know and like. The tank is now once again running CO2 with a Rex Grigg reactor, Hydor inline heater with thermostat, quad T5HO with Geisemann...
  10. skywhitney

    Sky's 93g Rimless Cube

    Due to rearranging and some spatial requirements in our house I'm having to downsize my reef a little from my current 4' 120g to a Marineland 93g cube. With the current 120 i've had a ton of issues with the overflows surging and bulkheads leaking so i've decided that i'm going to try to do the...
  11. skywhitney

    Unknown Nudibranch

    I found this guy on one of my carnation tree corals. I've promotly removed him but I was wondering if anybody happened to know what kind of nudibranch it is? Thanks in advance!
  12. skywhitney

    Sky's Newest 120g Adventure (pic heavy)

    As some of you know in March of this year I sold off my 70g reef and moved the few corals I wanted to keep into my 8g nano. Well I made it 4 months before I decided it was time to have my reef back....and then some :-) I've had this setup for a few months now but I ran into some snags while...
  13. skywhitney

    Metal Stand Questions

    I know a local guy that does amazing metalwork so I was thinking of having him build me a stand for my new 120g. I wanted to get it powder coated black with billeted aluminum siding, the inside if the stand would be lined with sealed plywood. is there any reason(s) I should be wary of this...
  14. skywhitney

    Unknown Polypy Thingy

    Ok who knows what this is?! It's growing down from the bottom of a rock overhang. It has not tried to eat me so I'm taking that as a sign of it not being super horrible.
  15. skywhitney

    56g Column Tank Journal

    I have decided to add another tank to the ever shrinking fish room/office! This will be the last tank that I add for quite some time (mainly out of fear of bodily harm from the wife :hide: ) so I have decided that I better build it to house something that I have really wanted for a long...
  16. skywhitney

    ID Help

    Is this a rock anemone? It has been on it's own rock for a couple months now, never multiplied, recently grown a little, it's out during the day and night, voracious little eater, and it's starting to get a green coloration to it otherwise it is a transparent peachish/tan color.
  17. skywhitney

    Deep Sand Bed Questions

    So I know this can be a hot topic amongst people but I was wondering about thoughts on deep sand beds. How exactly are they supposed to work? What are the pros and cons you all can think of?
  18. skywhitney

    Coral ID Help Please

    since i know nothing about corals yet, can someone help me identify these? They came with the rock that i got. If some basic tips on care can be added i'd be greatly appreciative (above and beyond the appreciation that I have for the ID) :)
  19. skywhitney

    Sky's Diving Into The Reef!

    This thread is also known as my 70g build thread... So almost nothing is going to be happening on this tanks build until the middle to end of August but I wanted to get the thread going that way I can start asking questions and putting anything up that does happen :) My main goal for this...
  20. skywhitney

    Angelfish Question

    Are Angelfish known to jump out of the tanks? The reason I ask is I will be moving my tank to a 40b and I wanted to know if I needed a lid cause I like letting some of the plants grow out of the tank.
  21. skywhitney

    Freshy thinking of taking the plunge...

    I'm debating on whether or not to take the salt plunge right now. I figured I'd start asking a bunch of questions to help figure out what to do. My initial concern is equipment. Currently my planted tank setup includes: 70g tank Aqueon proflex Model 3 sump CPR CS90 overflow Rio 2100 return...
  22. skywhitney

    Question about driftwood

    Does anyone know how cottonwood or mesquite would do in a tank?
  23. skywhitney

    Plant(s) Question

    I was looking to redo some of the scape in my tank. I was looking up a number of plants and these are the ones that i like the most. I was wanting to do these all in the same tank and i think that generally they have similar care requirements but i wanted to get input from you all as anything...
  24. skywhitney

    Article About T-5s and Reflectors

    While browsing another forum i came across this article and thought it would be good to share. It has some good info about tank lighting. Enjoy! :-)
  25. skywhitney

    Flourish Iron

    Very time i dose with flourish iron my tank gets a white foggy look to it. Has anyone experienced this? What in the Flourish could be the cause of this? I dose EI every Mon, Wed, Fri so nothing elsewas dosed in the tank today.
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