10 Gal Remodel

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 27, 2013
Ontario, Canada
So tomorrow I will be revamping my 10 gallon. I plan on getting some dw and moving some Anubias into it ASAP. I my also add new gravel and change other things around.

This tank currently homes a betta and three platy fry. Hopefully all goes well an this ends up looking amazing. Will be posting before, after, and during pics
Currently 6:51 am here and I'm gonna go to class and do some pre reading for tonight and after wards begin the remodelling. Gonna look for dw while driving here is a before picture to keep you all satisfied!

Currently 6:51 am here and I'm gonna go to class and do some pre reading for tonight and after wards begin the remodelling. Gonna look for dw while driving here is a before picture to keep you all satisfied!
ignore the spoon idek why I have that there. It's been there for months for no reason
Lol, looking good. Do you know what kind of plants you have?
Lol, all those are fake, and pre-rebuild, I have anubias growing in my 20g and will probably use some of it to plant this aquarium until i get a paycheck to buy some java ferns. Also have some DW im preparing and some rocks, I also ahve some large blue rocks to pile around areas of plants. Its gonna look way better, I will upload photos soon!
That's really smart! I think I am going to use the bottoms of my fake plants to anchor my java fern without covering the rhizome thingy.
yeah exactly. Gonna do some remodelling now actually just gotta move some rock around and take out the fake plants
Just syphoned the gravel and took out about 1/2 - 2/3 of water. Took out the rest of the decorations and about to put rocks and some blue gravel/ stones in!
Will be putting dw in ASAP. Just stripping bark and a little more prep! Fish are really warming up to it all
Rocks in !

Here's what I would do-
1) get driftwood
2) push all the substrate away from 1 corner.
3) put the driftwood and slope all the substrate against the driftwood
4) put the rocks up against the driftwood in a natural way.

It will look really natural and as if the current pushed everything into the driftwood.

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