10 Gallon Aquarium Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 6, 2012
Over the dark rainbow
Hey all!

I need experienced help for my only aquarium, a ten gallon. In this list, I note that I am about to give the Molly and the Zebra Danios to my cousin.
I have:

3 Neon Tetras
2 baby Red Wag Platies
1 Black Molly
3 Zebra Danios

I already know it is severely overstocked, so please don't tell me that!! I clean (gravel vacuum, monthly filter media changes, etc.) the tank every week with a thorough 50-70% water change, and my filter is up-to-date. (the filter is an Aqueon Quietflow 10 gallon, 100 gph) But my nitrates are still high! I even have some live household ivy plants in there? What's my problem? Is it just the fact that the tank is overstocked? How do I lower the nitrates? :banghead:

dont overfeed...
And get a quick growing plant because one would eat up nitrates easily. Also, (although this wont really affect nitrates) dont change the filter media so often. wait for the fibers to fall apart before changing the cartridge.. When you clean the tank, rinse the filter media in the tank water you take out with your water changes.

This is a funny thing to ask, and totally off subject, but how do you put a quote after a post? You said "-Wishes he had a tank bigger than 10 gallons" How did you do that??
phoenixkiller said:

This is a funny thing to ask, and totally off subject, but how do you put a quote after a post? You said "-Wishes he had a tank bigger than 10 gallons" How did you do that??

A signature?
You need to go to the AA site. Go to userCP at the top then look along the lefthand side for edit signature.

Oh and the sooner you can rehome some fish the better. IMO thats what's causing the nitrates to be so high. You need to increase your water changes if you can keep it down with your current schedule.

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