10 Gallon bedside tank

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Yea he burrows into the gravel and eats snails but he leaves my big zebra snails alone but the only thing is eventually he'll get about a foot long but that's alright cause my 95 gallon is being put together
They do we learned it the hard way, bought only one when we had a snail issue ourselves. I don't know what the numbers are on them, I'm thinking at least 3 but they do get really big. We did the assassin snails and zucchini and popped the big ones. Good luck! :)
yea that's the route I've taken. the assassin snails are doing the cleanup, along with me popping the smaller ones. What a mess though, those things reproduce like crazy!
If you have cichlids or fish that would find snails tasty you could always crack the snails open for them and let them feed on the snails?

Or if you know someone that has fish that would like a treat?
You squash them and pop em like a pimple lol so I should get another loach huh that sucks theyre kinda expensive at 20 a pop lol what happens if I leave him by himself??
He stays burrowed under some wood in the gravel and hardly eats I'm worried about him but he was alone at the pet store and seemed fine idk
$20? Wow, that is nuts! You need at least 3. At that price, get only 1 more and see how they do. Maybe 2 will be suitable.
That's what I was thinking maybe two. And I know it's outrageous lol they're Robbin me blind
Donkey Gun said:
Aponogeton crispus has begun its first flower!

I guess that was a false alarm, instead of a flower this guys is producing leaves like crazy! A new leaf every 3 days!

Lookin good though!


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HeAdin to LAX to drop off a friend, which just happens to swing by my LFS. Picked up some root tabs and a new crypt!


All in all, everything is looking healthy. I'm even starting to see new sprouts in the moss wall. I still need better lighting for my ground cover, but I've been shifting the light to front to help. Also, there's quite a build up of diatoms on the back glass, but it seems to be clearing up.
Wow, even more excitement for my 10 gallon! I just noticed that my cherry shrimp are hatching! sooooo cool.

I was doing my normal gaze into the jungle, and noticed 2 tiny new shrimp in my tank.. I started to hunt around for the mother, and found her tucked deep behind my moss wall. Her tail has gotten huge!

Im curious to know how many there will be once the night is done! I've found 3 so far.
i cannot figure out how to create my own thread so im just hoping someone sees this...i have a new 55 g long tank currently cycling, decemtly planted mainly cambomba(is this okay for the shrimp?) and want to have ghost shrimp, fancy guppies, zebra danios, and another school of fish i was thinking corys or some sort of tetra i have another 2 to 4 weeks probably to make my decision any info will be greatly appreciated
your right, your right.. just didn't want to see this turn into another stocking discussion ;). my apologies
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