150 gal, what would you do?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 14, 2012
Hi all,

I have been into aquaria for a long time, ive had several smaller(10-20g) aquariums in the past, but I was recently(by the grace of god) gifted from a local thrift store for only 100$ a 150g aquarium. I had initially thought SALTWATER for SURE, but i decided to look into the FW side. I love saltwater fish, and I DO have time for the maintenance it requires, but FW fish seem to be just as beautiful, especially angelfish. I LOVE THEM. So tell me, what would you do with a 150g aquarium.
Angelfish + Clown Loaches


12 million Cories
Well I have a 150 and this is what I have!
2 Angel Fish
7 Silver Dollars
1 Eclipse Catfish
1 Bristlenose Pleco
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Blood Parrot
1 Fire Eel
1 Black Ghost Knife
1 Dwarf Gourami
I love my current stock but if I had a choice to restock I would do this
75 Exodon Tetra
1 African Featherfin Catfish
1 Spotted Sailfin Pleco
Or this
15 Red Belly Piranha
1 Spotted Sailfin Pleco
Or Cichlids
1 Oscar and some other Cichlids
Or for more of a Community Tank this is what I'd do.
4 Angels
15 Cardinal Tetras
15 Rummy Nose Tetras
15 Black Neon Tetra or Emperor Tetra
15 Cories
1 Bristlenose Pleco
5 Platys
10 Guppies
5 Rainbow Fish
1 Dwarf Gourami
2 Rams
1 Peacock Eel
4 Clown Loaches
8 Angels
12 Clown Loaches
2 Bristlenose Plecos
A large school of 30-40 dither fish like some tetra
12 clown loaches
30 tiger barbs
3 bala sharks
2 Bristlenose plecos
i would go community with:
4 guppies
8 cherry barbs
10 cardinal tetra
10 glowlight tetra
2 german blue rams
2 angelfish
15 panda cories
and then a few pearl gouramis and another school of small fish
You cant beat a reef tank.
Yellow tang
Blue tang
One spot foxface
4 lyretail anthias
Black clown fish pair
Orange stripe prawn goby/tiger pistol shrimp
Yellow head jawfish
False morish idol
10 blue reef chromis
3 bangaii cardinals
I'm a fan of the red belly idea, I had 14 in a 180g about 5 years ago and really enjoyed them.

But that was a phase, I now prefer large CA cichlids. True red terrors, jags, RD, Trimac, a breeding pair of any of these, and say a school of tinfoil/flag tail barbs.

I'm debating what to do with a 125 myself.
This is what I have in a 220. You'd have to pair it down alittle but its a community tank of relative size to your 150.

10 Veil and Super Veil Angelfish (3 juvenille, 1 pair, 1 male with his 4 female harem)
21 Rummy nose tetras
12 Diamond tetras
5 German Blue Rams
4 Electric Blue Rams
2 Gold Rams
3 YoYo loaches
4 Corydoras sterbai
4 Corydoras panda
1 Corydoras agassizi
8 Threadfin Rainbow Fish
18 Otocinclus Catfish
3 Whiptail Cats (Farlowella gracilis)
1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco
I would definitely do an African Cichlid tank. There are so many types out there to choose from! For bottom dwellers you could do about 7 pictus catfish.
Rivercats said:
This is what I have in a 220. You'd have to pair it down alittle but its a community tank of relative size to your 150.

10 Veil and Super Veil Angelfish (3 juvenille, 1 pair, 1 male with his 4 female harem)
21 Rummy nose tetras
12 Diamond tetras
5 German Blue Rams
4 Electric Blue Rams
2 Gold Rams
3 YoYo loaches
4 Corydoras sterbai
4 Corydoras panda
1 Corydoras agassizi
8 Threadfin Rainbow Fish
18 Otocinclus Catfish
3 Whiptail Cats (Farlowella gracilis)
1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco

You should add more Cories and Loaches. I'm sure they would appreciate a few more buddies.
My loaches are the three demon children! Two are getting really big and you know those devils love to do two things, one is charging heck bent through the rummy school to watch them split and run as a big unit. And two they love to dig, push, and root until they get under the edges of the dwarf baby tears. One got under and came out about 4 inches away! Plus these three are the ultimate snail hunter/eaters. So they are going to max out in size in no time. Don't think the tank mates could stand anymore! Have considered getting a school of Botia sidthimunki loaches. But they are darn expensive. I've thought about more cory's too but have my heart set on Corydoras schwartzi but have had no luck finding them.
I REALLY like angels, always have, but I was always told that when you put the smaller fish with the angels they bullied them, fin nipping etc. Is it really safe to keep the schools of tetras, etc with several angels?
I have a total of 32 tetras in with 10 angels. The 8 Threadfin Rainbow fish are also small fish. Neons with angels are not advisable as neons are too small. The thing about angels is if you keep a group (at least 6) any aggression and bickering is ususally kept between them. The only time they show any aggression towards any other fish is when they are spawning. But with a large tank with lots of plants even that isn't too bad. They have their own little bubble that other fish have to stay out of. I have two pairs that have eggs right now and as long as everyone stays out of their little space there is no trouble. And in the case of a large tank that is easy for other fish to do. But the funny thing is when they are spawning my oto's and whiptail cats can be hanging around and they don't seem to worry about them or bother them. Angels are my favorite!
Two Oscars. Fish you can train to your presence and have fun with.

Large pieces of driftwood, some stones, and large plants would look wonderful.
Malawi tank for sure. You have tons of room to build rock caves and cliffs on one side of the tank and leave the other side open for your swimmers. You'll love it, I PROMISE!
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