2 Potentially Sick Fish - Differing Ailments

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 5, 2016
I have an established 38 gallon tank running an Aquaclear 70 w/a 1 gallon refugium. I use Prime and feed a rotation of Omega One color tropical flakes, sinking pellets, frozen food (bloodworms, spirulina brine shrimp) and live food (microworm and white worm - all self-raised). It gets weekly water changes of 40-50% with spot cleanings of gravel twice a week - nitrites, nitrates and ammonia are at 0, pH is at 6.2. The only decorations are live plants (MANY of them) and mopani wood.

Tank stock: 5 harlequin rasboras, 5 glowlight tetras, 2 otocinclus, 2 female guppies, 2 female platies and 1 golden honey gourami

Problem A) One of the female platies (a red mickey mouse variety) has a little white dot on the beginning of her caudal fin - I want to suspect ick but it's one isolated spot; the rest of her fin and body are fine. She is swimming and eating normally. I am gradually increasing the temperature in my tank (it is now at 78F) but so far the spot remains.

Problem About a month ago I lost my dwarf gourami suddenly and without apparent cause. He was gasping at the surface and unable to swim correctly, though he still had his brilliant coloration and no apparent wounds on his gills or any part of his body. I performed several water changes following and monitored my other fish closely but none were affected - all were and are completely fine. I introduced a honey gourami yesterday evening (lights off, floated for 10 minutes and drip acclimated for 15-20). He ate perfectly fine when I fed at night and today. HOWEVER, he swims from end to end of the tank, darting from one side to the other (close to the glass). He's been doing this since I noticed it this afternoon at around 2 PM. He only calmed down when I gave food. I got him from my local Petco after observing him in the tank for 2 weeks - he has no torn fins, no bloating, eyes are clear and fins are not clamped. The only thing I could say that seems weird to me is that his spine/central body seems to show through his flesh and skin - I'm not sure if this is a sign of illness or normal?

On the gourami I'm hoping that it is just settling in. What is your tap ph out of interest? I'm wondering if store water ph was quite different to your tank (assuming they use the same tap water). Also are you dosing any ferts? (Like the tank btw). With new fish I will often lower ferts dosing for a week when I get them and then increase again.

On the platy. If ich then you must of added something recently to introduce it? If on the rays of the fin could be a kink and damaged spot which should go with time.

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