2 sets of paired clowns, 1 tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 30, 2003
Leesburg, VA
So I have to tear down my 36 reef and combine it with my 72 FOWLR. The 72 will become a reef so it will undergo extensive rock work changes. Problem is, among other fish, there is an established Ocellaris pair in each tank (not to much of a size difference and no Anemones involved). What are the odds of the clown pairs not killing each other? I've never had to combine 2 established pairs before.
I`m really kind of afraid also. You could try it but if it fails you`ll have to probably tear all that rock out to catch them which will be a pain. Sorry I cant be much help.
I mean they might make it but I`m sure you dont want to pull that rock out if they dont. Will your LFS take a pair for something in exchange. A trade?
Unfortunately the LFS's in Northern VA only take "donations". I think I'll try it but very slowly. I'll keep both tanks running, but shuffle the FOWLR around and add the clowns together before I commit to moving everything over. That way I can monitor their behavior, because i agree with you about the LR.
Is that Centreville Aquarium? I think that might be the one and only LFS I haven't been to in all of MD, DC, VA and I live 30 mins away :) I see there open on Sundays so I'll swing buy there tomorrow and see what my options are. Thanks for the heads up!

I'm in NOVA as well, if you aren't a member of WAMAS you may want to join. Its a small annual fee for membership but well worth it. You can post one of the pairs on their WTB/WTT forum and will probably have them sold in an hour.

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After 24 hours I am elated to say the two pairs are getting along very well. There were some tense moments at first but the smaller female conceded quickly and the males fell into ranks without incident, well at least I assume because there are no bruises. Thanks for every ones advice it was much appreciated!
Because clowns are damsels and they are territorial. A 72 is too small to successfully house 2 pairs of clowns.

You never know though, you may get lucky and things work out. Just be prepared for them to fight.
they will get along until one decides to lay some eggs. it will then proceed to kill the others that get in the way and like ziggy said 72 is to small for two pairs. sorry
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