Clowns with anenomes

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2016
West Harrison, New York
Hello, all!
Looking at a Jajale, 50g with sump pump. Comes with an LED but they don't provide stats, says good enough for coral but skeptical. Since it's 25" deep, may not be an issue (?).

Initially I want clowns and anenome. Maybe two sets of clowns and 2 anenomes. I will add others (fish and inverts ?) after established and research what I can add to be compatible.

My question.. Do I add the 1st pair of clowns 1st, 2 pairs together?
How and when do I introduce the anenomes? What types?

Again, it's a new tank that will be recycled.
Hello, all!
Looking at a Jajale, 50g with sump pump. Comes with an LED but they don't provide stats, says good enough for coral but skeptical. Since it's 25" deep, may not be an issue (?).

Initially I want clowns and anenome. Maybe two sets of clowns and 2 anenomes. I will add others (fish and inverts ?) after established and research what I can add to be compatible.

My question.. Do I add the 1st pair of clowns 1st, 2 pairs together?
How and when do I introduce the anenomes? What types?

Again, it's a new tank that will be recycled.
To start with, the tank needs to be fully cycled BEFORE adding the clown(s) or anemones.
Clownfish can be very territorial as pairs so you will do better keeping only one pair or only single members of a specie so that they each will maintain a territory. ( Keep in mind that different color forms of a clown specie are still the same specie.)
As for anemones, unless things have changed with the tank bred clowns, clownfish are anemone specific so the type of anemone(s) will depend on what clownfish specie you get. As for when to add them, you should add them when you add the clowns. (y)
Andy, great advice, thank you! Now that you suggest introducing anenome (thinking Bubble) & clowns at the same time (1 pair only), maybe be patient and start with damsels for awhile to ensure a properly cycled tank (?), since the anenomes are more fragile.

Also, what else can I add, including inverts...

Thanks again
Only have 1pr of anemonefish (clownfish) per tank because they kill each other.

Bubbletip anemones are accepted by virtually all anemonefish. You can add the anemone any time after the tank is cycled, and either at the same time as the fish or before you add the fish. I like to add the anemone a month or so beforehand so it can find a place and settle in. Then add the fish after.

When you buy anemonefish, get 2 that are bonded and stay together. If you can't find a pr (that is 2 living happily together), get a big one and a small one from a tank containing a group of fish. This will give you the best chance of getting a male and female. If you get a fish that is kept on its own, it will be a female.

The following link is worth reading.


You need to be careful mixing damselfish and anemonefish because they are both territorial and the damsels tend to be more aggressive than most of the anemonefish. In a big tank it's less of an issue but you need to choose wisely otherwise there will be fights. And it's really hard getting a damsel or anemonefish out of a tank full of rock and coral.

Invertebrates can include things like shrimp and hermit crabs (not normal crab though because they destroy things and kill fish). Only have 1 species of shrimp per tank because most of the bigger cleaner shrimp are territorial too. Small starfish and some of the marine snails are ok, some marine snails are predators and hunt other snails so be careful which ones you get. Generally trochus and turbo snails are fine but do some research on any before you buy.

Get some Caulerpa and Halimeda to grow in the tank and sump. These are marine algae, which do well in aquariums under fluorescent or LED lights and help keep the water cleaner. they also provide habitat for small crustaceans like gammarids.
Andy, great advice, thank you! Now that you suggest introducing anenome (thinking Bubble) & clowns at the same time (1 pair only), maybe be patient and start with damsels for awhile to ensure a properly cycled tank (?), since the anenomes are more fragile.

Also, what else can I add, including inverts...

Thanks again

What method do you plan on using to cycle the aquarium? If it's fish in, then yes, do not add the anemone right off as they are sensitive to water quality. If it's fishless, then once the cycle has completed, it should be safe to add the anemone from the start. Here's the thing tho, you need the proper lighting for anemones so you need to make a decision on what type and get the proper lighting for it. Bubble tips will host a number of species but not all so I'd decide on your clownfish first then match them to the anemone. Keep in mind that tank raised clownfish do not need an anemone and will not always use one.

If you go fish in cycling, here's a trick :whistle: Use dark damsels like the Domino ( 3 spot) or 1/2 black damsels because when the water quality goes bad, they tend to show a whiter color. You'll know when the water quality gets better when they darken up again. ;) ( This is in no way a substitute for testing but they will show you when you really need to be testing religiously.)

As for other inverts, they too are not the best to add to an uncycled aquarium. :nono:
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