2 tanks; two fish questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 30, 2003
Lahaina, Maui
1. Does anyone have any experience with a yellow watchman gobies? I was thinking of putting one in my newly set up 12 gal system after it finishes cycling.

2. I need an algea "grazer" for my 55 FOWLR. I currently have a cleaner shrimp, a small Raccoon Butterflyfish, and two percula clowns.

1. I certainly don't, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to.

2. For the rock or the glass?
I have ayellow watchman and love it. It will do fine in your 12 gal. tank. I would get a pistol shrimp so they can pair up. They have a natual relationship in the wild and it is very entertaining to watch in the tank. As for the algea grazers...what type of algea? Do you have any snails?
I am not sure that I can get pistol shrimp here. I have only seen cleaner shrimp and coral banded shrimp. I have actually seen the banded shrimp while snorkeling.

I would like a fish to eat some of the algae that grows on the live rock. I like the way the algae looks, but would like a small fish that will be happy feeding off of algae in the tank, keeping the algae in check. The algae is mostly green hair algae.

I understand that my 55 gal tank is too small for a tang. Would a Flame Angel do the job?
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