20 gallon stocking

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 3, 2012
Hello everyone! I'm in the middle of cycling and want to start making final decisions on fishes. I need expertise of you all because it seems that although the fish store says it will fit in a 20 gallon it's not always best and I want happy fish!

Heres my ideas:

1 dwarf male gourami
6/8 cherry barbs
1 red velvet swordtail

Those are ones I definitely like. I also want a bottom feeder and some more variety.

I was thinking Cory catfish maybe the albino ones because they will stick out in my tank but done know if they are good or need one or two or three lol. Any advice on other bottom feeders that are good is welcome

I was also looking at the black neon tetra but I know they are also schooling and I'd have to have a lot of them :/

I also just saw online a Bolivian ram but I have no info on it besides the site that says its good for a 20 gallon tank.

And any other suggestions will be great. I don't want mollies or plattys I have two in my 3 gallon tank and that's enough for me.
Your stock sounds good!

You could definitely do 1 DG, 6-8 Cherry Barbs and the 1 Sword if you wanted and you could also add a group of Albino Corys, either 4-5 (Corys do better in groups of their own kind as well, at least 4 is recommended). That would fully stock you. If you wanted the Black Neons you could do those instead of the Cherry Barbs. If you wanted the Ram you could do the Ram, 6-8 Barbs or Neons and the group of Corys. I don't know much about the Rams either so maybe someone with experience with them will chime in.
Ok thanks! Is there any other bottom feeder that you would recommend. I know I was told not to do a pleco
Thanks. Is there any other bottom feeders that you would recommend. I know I was told not go get a pleco
IMO if you have excellent filtration and are good with your water changes you can get a Bristle Nose pleco. There's also panda cories you could consider, as well as khuli loaches.
I think I have made up my mind I just wanna make sure this will work. 20 gallon tank

1 dwarf gourami
1 red velvet swordtail
6-8 cherry barbs

3-4 kuhli loaches
OR 1 bristle pleco
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