2023 New Year tank/ fish thoughts

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Had fun with this last year, and thought of sharing again this year. Link for 2022 below this at the bottom.


So being a new year, although I personally wouldn't call these resolutions for my self, but, what are your plans for your aquatic hobby in 2023?

For you, these could be goals, plans or resolutions!!! Let's hear what's up

And if you are seeing or liking any trends in "aquarium" pets, fish, tanks, hobby, technology, etc??

Also a look back to what you did or didn't get done, and how it went. Especially you who shared last year, update please.

2022 thread link
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For me a lot has happened in the past year. Many changes as well.

My schedule is packed with responsibilities, which do limit how much time there is for tanks.

Last year I had planned to finally reduce the number of tank down to what I had been planning for YEARS!

This actually happened. Anyone who knows this saga will be surprised.

This year I was able to shut down 2 more tanks which I really had been dragging my feet on. When they run perfectly for years and need little intervention, it makes it hard.

Walking down Memory Lane, as 2022 concludes.

Decommissioned - Old 12G Black Fluval Edge and 5G long Spec V.

12G Black Edge

Oct. 2017 My favorite era nice PRL shrimp everywhere

4/2018 This was my most favorite tank and era


3/2018 My Joy was full.

One of my favorite photos of the tank because of the stellar Spiderwood DW and Bolbitis just looks so awesome


8/2013 First set up this used 12G Edge tank (rocks on top were holding down the DW) for my Blue Velvet Shrimp


Spec V circa 2018 Betta tank

Gave away my 16G bowfront which was the restart tank of my fish keeping back in 2010 or 2011. <3 And a stand I had bought for it. Gave away a 6.6G Edge set up for a little girl to start her first planted fish tank for some various snails, Red /pink RH, a MS and a MTS snuck in too. I have a couple male Endlers to drop off too. And they're going to get an CPO Mexican Dwarf Crayfish. Maybe a group of Dwarf Cories.
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Last year I did not do the Paludarium. It is sitting with the stuff in it ready to go when I am. Probably not until later 2023.

An addition was an impromptu 5G SW nano with LR from the 50G SW (waiting but yet to go to a new home) intending to get the mangroves situated into a lagoon habitat. Mangroves don't like their roots moved and I wasn't 100% on the little cube low iron tank I got from out local auction soooo, they are still separated. Maybe more lagoon tank for them to grow out. Just macroalgae, CUC and a few low maintenance corals. Not really fish to care for.

1. Tanks now are the warm water 72G bowfront Clown Loaches, Rainbows and with Glass cats and Bolivian Rams and Cories (soon will move the ~18 Sterbai in there when it gets a rescape) (y)

2. 30G Waterbox will be rescaped too and most of the fish in there will be moved to the warm water 72G.

3. 12G White Edge Nano fish and shrimp and CPOs Maybe moved to the 30G when the rescape comes. And would have a Taiwan Bee shrimp Community again.

That's it. Which is crazy since I have had 13-15 tanks during the past 12 years. Happier..., though sometimes, I wander around thinking I must have more tanks to feed. :rolleyes:

Unless some of my out of state responsibilities reduce in 6 months or so and I would make a new special Blue shrimp breeding tank(not positive which kind yet - don't have to decide rn). ~12G or 15G Something easy to care for. Been watching Fluval Flex tanks, considering one.

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