20g neon terra and guppy tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 3, 2013
I want to know if it would be a good idea to have a 20g high with neon tetras, guppies and Red cherry shrimp. I have 3 Cory cats but I could give them to a friend because I want the tank to have a plant carpet and I don't know if Cory cats would like that much. So what would be a good stocking number for neons and guppies. I was thinking 9 neon tetras and 8 guppies. Does this sound good or no?

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Cory wont care if you have a carpet on the tank, and 20g is fine for just neons and guppies. Thats what i use my 27g hexagon, im breeding guppies in there and so i have like 20 of them now, and i used to have like 10 neons but decided to put them all together with the neons in my 92g tank
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