20g reef tank HELP!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 2, 2011
20g nano reef

I have a 20g high and i want to convert it to a reef tank but all i have is a 110 aqauclear hob filter i run a 55g tank usually but i want to run something a little smaller anyone got any advice :(
Is your 55g a reef or is it freshwater?

Are you asking what other kind of equipment you will need?

If this will be your first reef, it is better to start with something larger, but you could definitely make a 20g work. You can use the HOB as a filter or convert it to a refugium and then add some liverock and sand to the tank if you want it. Do you have any lighting for the tank yet?
I'd recommend metal halide or T5HO for the penetration in the 20 gallon high. For the aquaclear, you can leave it as is and run filterfloss and chemipure elite, or cut the basket and use them as dividers (filter floss in chamber next to the pump, and put macro algae in the next chamber and maybe some rubble)
ok so i just run the aquaclear110 filter and how do i do the filter floss how would u do it ?
The type of light will depend on the type of corals you are planning to keep softies like leathers and mushrooms take the least amount of light. SPS take the most amount of light. Research the type of coral so someone can recommend a good light.

Most important equipment is a good liquid test kit like the API and a refractometer.

Don't rush and be patient, nothing good happens when you rush things.
well i want to be able to grow anything including clams so what light would that be
I would cut a strip that is long enough to cover the bottom and up the side of the media rack next to the pump. To make an "L" shape. It will keep the detritus and gunk from getting to the chemipure elite.
i hate myself i have no idea what your talking about and wht is chempure elite can u show me a picture of how to do this on my 110 aquaclear and how do u know this you did this for your 20g reef tank?
haha its alright. It can be quite daunting when you are first starting.

When you are looking at the Aquaclear, there is a sponge filter at the bottom, then the baggie of carbon, and then the ceramic rings on top. You want to replace that sponge at the bottom with the filter floss.

Then replace the carbon with Chemipure Elite. It is just higher quality carbon.

And toss the rings. Your rocks will do the biological filtration.

Essentially, small reef tanks run the same. I have an Aquaclear 50 with filter floss and Chemipure elite for my 3 gallon pico.

Anyone tell me equipment i need to set up a 20g saltwater reef tank and what i can do with my aquaclear 110 filter i would like to utilize this piece of equipment
A metal halide is probably the best one I know of that is reasonably priced.
20 pounds of live rock
a reef grade salt
a power head or two
salt water test kits
lighting enough to support photosynthetic creatures.
what kind of filter do u reccomend ? i have A 110 aquaclear thats it
All four threads merged together. Please refrain from posting same threads in different forums. It really clutters the site as well as it`s against site rules.
ty so much do u think thats the only filter i would need ? for my 20 g reef?
I recommend that you get your hands on that 20g long since it would be easier to light than a 20g high. With the high, you would most likely have to place coral in the upper 2/3 of the tank depending on your lighting choice. Honestly, I got by easily with just a heater and 2 Hydor Koralia 1's for powerheads. Additional equipment is not needed, in fact, the less clutter you have in there, the better. Hope this helps.

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