20L planted shrimp tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 12, 2013
This is my new 20L that I planted yesterday and plan to use as an invert tank. My only worry is the dwarf baby tears because it seems they seem to give people fits. What do you think? Any suggestions?



It will look good once it grows and fills in but Dwarf baby tears need high light, CO2 or liquid carbon, and good ferts. It also is often a pain to keep down even after it fills in due to it very short root system.
Will the baby dwarf tears take ferts from the water column or are they root feeders? I have good light, co2, and a liquid carbon source. I also dose the water column and use Flourish complete.
IMO they use both. When I've kept them before they always seemed to do better when I added some root tabs. Do you just use Flourish Comprehensive? I dose my tanks PPS-Pro dry ferts. Dry ferts are cheaper and last a long time plus give plants all the micro and macro nutrients they need.
Some people have no issues with DBTs aka HC some only succeed with Dry Start method, some can never get it how they want it. My club espouses the Dry Start method for any major HC aquascapes. It can get established without any Algae issues. I'm too low tech to try HC, but it's very pretty when it works.
I use Flourish as well as iron, potassium, phosphate solutions. I also use some diy root tabs (Dynamite all purpose at the moment).
I have no problem growing them at all. An easy plant to grow if you have the right conditions (ie- Ferts, Co2/liquid carbon, and high light). My Rams love to munch on it and go out of their way to pull them up.
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