220g planted-newly rescaped

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Here's a link to the album with all of today pic's. Sorry for the haze but after doing some ripping out and replanting and then having my Fluval FX5 out for over a week and then adding all new media including new bio-media I'm having a bit of a haze due to bacteral bloom. I'm hoping it will be gone in the next day or two.

Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community - Rivercats's Album: 220g 12-1-2012

My god its stunning !!!! What a beautiful aquarium thanks for sharing all the pics :)
Thanks guys! It is finally almost the way I want it... just alittle more growing and I think I might have it.
Rivercats, I LOVE when you put the name of the plants as the caption for your photo. Helps me learn what looks good with each other and what I want to research more about. Thanks!
Rivercats, I LOVE when you put the name of the plants as the caption for your photo. Helps me learn what looks good with each other and what I want to research more about. Thanks!

I figured after so many people asked for names after the original post it might be smart to put names. Glad it helped at least one person :brows:

There is one plant that I suggest you not try and that is the yellow plant called Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden'. Its a beautiful plant but comes as emmersed growth and it takes freaking forever to finally get its immersed leaves. I had to cut it back and replants tops so many times I can't remember before it finally is taking off. It's been 3-4 months now. Not something I would recommend lightly.
I have a total of 3 little purple flowers now on my Cabomba Furcata today and you can see many more are coming. Also have an Anubia Nana sending up a flower. Quite a nice little surprize.
I have a total of 3 little purple flowers now on my Cabomba Furcata today and you can see many more are coming. Also have an Anubia Nana sending up a flower. Quite a nice little surprize.

Nice one !!!! Marvellous tank this Rivercats :) thanks again for complimenting my planted 10 gallon !!
Just alittle update to show how much the plants have filled in. Hopefully another 4-6 weeks and all the plants will reach the surface.


  • Full with halides 8.jpg
    Full with halides 8.jpg
    194.4 KB · Views: 275
Just alittle update to show how much the plants have filled in. Hopefully another 4-6 weeks and all the plants will reach the surface.

Rivercats, what's the plant just right of center in the very front with a bluish green color. Looks like there is a moss just above or in it.
Rivercats, what's the plant just right of center in the very front with a bluish green color. Looks like there is a moss just above or in it.

That is a Crypt Wendtii Bronze with Fissidens Fontanus Moss on the DW above it.
Breathtaking. I love the way the lights can be angled in the fixture. I'm a big fan of directional light.

Those are the 3 HID Metal Halides. They make plants grow great in deep tanks but taking pic's with them on is hard. They give the plants in their direct light a major glare in pic's but not if your looking at the tank. Some day I'll figure out how to take correct pic's with these lights. I know there has to be a trick to it.
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