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Well, if you were near me, I could have done it for you LOL! I used to work construction and have done some concrete coring. ;) You would probably need a diamond barrel to put a nice hole in it.
NIce tank!

I picked up my 210 earlier this afternoon, I will take pics tomorrow on day 1 of the build. I got the 210, 55g sump,2700gph external pump and all plumbing for 700, had a stand too but I had to leave it with him, it wouldnt fit in my F/S k1500 z71 with the tank and the measurements wouldnt fit thru the doorway in the room it is going in. That stand looks very nice, great woodworking, but will it fit thru the door to get in the house?
dk...I wouldve def. employed your services had you lived closer. Im actually thinking about going to lowes and getting another one and trying again cuz now that i split it in half im worried about height in the corner i was going to put it in so well see.

whitedevil...sweet deal man, keep me/us posted for sure!!! I was super stoked the day i got mine, like sitting in front of it going through everything i wanted it to look like. Your doing discus, right? Thats gonna be pretty sweet, i see though with them why you need a sump but for me im going ca/sa and ill only need 2 fx5's. The stand was custom built for the tank, i just tweaked it a little...well maybe a little more than a little..haha I like in CA and for some reason the doors out here are huge, we have about an 8 1/2 ft door and width is plenty so it's gonna fit right through, its just a matter of getting it to slide into place on carpet.

Stand (not doors yet :) will be moving inside tomorrow at 3:30 pm pst. Im having some cash flow issues (still paying off the wedding) so it should be the beginning of next month for me to get the filters and heaters.
Do you have stores around there that sell rocks for gardens and stuff? They might have a diamond barrel, since we used the cinder to sharpen the ends. :)

Edit: Ok, that made no sense...LOL. If you find a place that sells rocks, they might have a coring drill to make holes in their rocks, which would have diamond barrels, and we used cinder blocks to sharpen/expose the diamonds that cut the concrete or whatever. :)
They might! You could also see if they rent a core driller. My parents had to buy a diamond drill bit when they were tiling, so you might be able to just get one of those too. Make SURE you use water when you do it LOL.
Or what....i start a fire in my backyard..haha yeah ill check into it. Im super stoked to just be moving it in and i get paid on friday and im watching some filters on ebay so hopefully i can make atleast one of them happen.
Hey!!! how do you know my wife..haha and were renting so that would totally suck!! i hear the same thing when we get our fire pit roaring outside.
HAHAHAAA! I don't know her, I just know what I would do LOL! Yeah, fires can get hot! That's what I have to tell everyone when we go to bed while camping. "MOVE the chairs AWAY from the fire, and DO NOT put glass in there" But they do anyway, and now I have a chair with a melted hole in it. :(
Yeah, we usually dont get to nutty unless its after a few and even then i get the look and its all taken care of..haha im sure you have the look too
diamond bits depending where you get them are expensive, I need to buy a hole saw set which is like 5-7 bits, I am looking at close to 400 shipped.
I priced some last night and crapped me knickers.

Yes its gonna be discus and platinum blue angels possibly if not just discus and tetras. I do need to get more plants though, I dont have enough in the 4 tanks I got going to even fill half the footprint of the 210.

I will take pics starting today, going to get the tree now so I can start making driftwood for it. well getting the oil changed and taking the sawzall with me to get the tree.

I am designing the sump now and stand this is freaking nuts, worst part yet, it still has to be cleaned and come down a flight of stairs, gotta tear down my 40 tall so the tank makes it around the corner from the stairs.

Never warn the wife, whats the fun in that?
Are you going to go with moss/plants on the driftwood? I really want to do that, but i dont want to deal with real plants as if youve seen i already have an amazon being transfered over. I like the look of the moss on driftwood but if its too much to get it attached i may just spring for the money to get the ones in my fish store.

Totally post some pics of the sump cuz im very interested. Is yous drilled?

Youd be suprised to the stuff i get away with without telling her....like um my first fish tank, second fish tank, third fish tank...and i kinda had to tell here about the 7 ft boehemith coming through the door :)
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