29 gallon journey/journal/build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
On another note... The final stocking list... Speak now or forever hold your peace! Lol:
6 black skirt tetras (required)
6 rummynose tetras
6 orange laser cories
2 Bolivian rams (pair)
1 black Molly
1 starlight bristlenose pleco
Any thoughts? Any concerns? Anything I need to be worried about?
Sorry for just jumping in here, but I'd leave out the molly unless you are absolutely set on it. I believe they prefer groups of 3+, and slightly brackish water. It's your choice though :)

Also, just a tip, the rams could get aggressive, so try to scape the tank so there are different areas for their territories. I would use rocks or driftwood to kind of divide the tank.
Tropical said:
Sorry for just jumping in here, but I'd leave out the molly unless you are absolutely set on it. I believe they prefer groups of 3+, and slightly brackish water. It's your choice though :)

Also, just a tip, the rams could get aggressive, so try to scape the tank so there are different areas for their territories. I would use rocks or driftwood to kind of divide the tank.

I know... I just want the Molly so freaking bad! Lol. I was planning to use it and 3 ghost shrimp as a "test set" to see if I need to tweak anything before adding the more expensive additions lol. I suppose I could always put 3 feeder fish in there, then put them in my pond... But I don't like the thought of buying diseased fish and introducing them into my tank lol. Man... The angel and devil on my shoulders are arguing!!! Lol.
I know... I just want the Molly so freaking bad! Lol. I was planning to use it and 3 ghost shrimp as a "test set" to see if I need to tweak anything before adding the more expensive additions lol. I suppose I could always put 3 feeder fish in there, then put them in my pond... But I don't like the thought of buying diseased fish and introducing them into my tank lol. Man... The angel and devil on my shoulders are arguing!!! Lol.

I know how you feel :) Sometimes there's just that one more fish that you must have. Out of your fish, I'd add the black skirts first. I believe you already have them (?), so they will be used to the water your house has already.
Tropical said:
I know how you feel :) Sometimes there's just that one more fish that you must have. Out of your fish, I'd add the black skirts first. I believe you already have them (?), so they will be used to the water your house has already.

Ya, that's the plan. I just need to get 3 more of them and they'll be the first complete school. I was hoping to get the Molly with them... But maybe not... Or maybe so... Grrr... Lol, I just would like to see how a new fish reacts you know?
Ok, did a 50% water change at 8... Parameter time:
Ph: 6.6
Ammonia: 0-.25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20-30
:D will dose back up, and make sure it can take down the ammo in 24 hrs... Happy day?!
lucky! you have an awesome ph! my ph is the exact opposite a 7.6 :( have you thought of getting 2 german blue rams or 2 gold rams? the gold rams are the prettiest and you could keep them alive with that ph and lots of plants.
allaboutfish said:
lucky! you have an awesome ph! my ph is the exact opposite a 7.6 :( have you thought of getting 2 german blue rams or 2 gold rams? the gold rams are the prettiest and you could keep them alive with that ph.

Wow... I always wanted that Ph... It seemed more normal lol. That's my Ph out of the tap, and it never changes lol. I'd love to try a GBR or gold ram pair... But it's sooo risky! Plus I kinda like the subtle beauty of the bolivian.
allaboutfish said:
well i mean with your ph its not very risky all you gotta do is keep nitrates down (ie. plants)

Oh lol. I've got the plants. I swear they're the reason I didn't go off charts during the nitrite spike lol. They stayed around 30 the whole time!
haha can we switch ph's? ill send you 10 gallons of my tap water each week and you send me 10 gallons of your tap water each week.
allaboutfish said:
haha can we switch ph's? ill send you 10 gallons of my tap water each week and you send me 10 gallons of your tap water each week.

Lol, I'll pass. Shipping'd be a bear! Lol.
Homedog98 said:
Ok, did a 50% water change at 8... Parameter time:
Ph: 6.6
Ammonia: 0-.25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20-30
:D will dose back up, and make sure it can take down the ammo in 24 hrs... Happy day?!

Looks promising :). Dose it up, check it around this time tomorrow and we'll know for sure. If for any reason you need to change water (no need unless you've got a fire to put out or something, lol), try to get a quick water sample to test before any new water is added in :). We should know tomorrow!
Exactly lol. Well, I dosed up again. Back to 4 ppm. We'll see how things look at 10:30 eastern standard time tomorrow. Lol. Then hopefully I can break out the grape juice (only 13... No champagne yet) and get fishies by Wednesday!!! :D
eco23 said:
Looks promising :). Dose it up, check it around this time tomorrow and we'll know for sure. If for any reason you need to change water (no need unless you've got a fire to put out or something, lol), try to get a quick water sample to test before any new water is added in :). We should know tomorrow!

Ya, I thought about that after I took out the water lol. :p I would lol.
Tell me about it! Lol. I'm just gonna do the black Molly. With 2 filters running and a weekly 50% water change, I'm willing to try and pull it off. I'll hope to find a female, and hope for the best. I've just wanted one for sooo long sooo badly lol, I'm willing to give it a shot.
Woot! Sounds like you're about done. Congrats! My PH dropped today. Did a 50% PWC and nitrites are still off the charts. Dropping 4ppm of ammo in half a day. I still have a bit to go.
Bud said:
Woot! Sounds like you're about done. Congrats! My PH dropped today. Did a 50% PWC and nitrites are still off the charts. Dropping 4ppm of ammo in half a day. I still have a bit to go.

Just stick to eco's guide. If you follow his instructions exactly... you WILL finish.
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