29 gallon journey/journal/build

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Ok, my anarchis's leaves are turning transparent... But one stalk is putting out new growth... Is it dying?
Is it all the leaves or just ones towards the bottom. If they are just dying at the bottom it could be not high enough lighting.
adadkins1 said:
Is it all the leaves or just ones towards the bottom. If they are just dying at the bottom it could be not high enough lighting.

It's all the leaves.
Parameter time:
Ph: 6.6
Ammonia: 2
Nitrites: 1-.25
Nitrates: 30
Today I'm going to petsmart... I'm not gonna be able to go again for who knows how long, so I'm gonna go ahead and get the 3 other skirts and the Molly, and I'll put them in the ten gallon QT until I get that ammonia back to 0. I'll also get a java fern while I'm at it. I wish I could put them in now, but I'm not risking it. Does this sound ok?
I wouldn't. That's a huge load to add all at once to a 10 gallon that, IIRC, you just pulled some bio media from for the 29.
severum mama said:
I wouldn't. That's a huge load to add all at once to a 10 gallon that, IIRC, you just pulled some bio media from for the 29.

But they'd only be in there for like a day... So you still wouldn't?
On what are you basing that assumption though? Cycling is unpredictable. You can have a decent idea on when you might complete the cycle, but you don't know for sure.
severum mama said:
On what are you basing that assumption though? Cycling is unpredictable. You can have a decent idea on when you might complete the cycle, but you don't know for sure.

Ok, I guess I'll wait then. :)
The way things tend to work...if you hold off on buying the fish, your cycle will finish perfectly and everything will be smooth sailing. If you went out and bought the fish, your pH would suddenly plummet and crash your bio-filter, lol. That's how my luck would work at least.
eco23 said:
The way things tend to work...if you hold off on buying the fish, your cycle will finish perfectly and everything will be smooth sailing. If you went out and bought the fish, your pH would suddenly plummet and crash your bio-filter, lol. That's how my luck would work at least.

Lol, same here! I decided to wait, and got a java fern instead. :)
Ok, now is when I drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness to Eco and severum. Lol. Just tested the water and got a firm nitrite reading of .25... Thank you for stopping me from buying fish!!!
Homedog98 said:
Ok, now is when I drop to my knees and beg for forgiveness to Eco and severum. Lol. Just tested the water and got a firm nitrite reading of .25... Thank you for stopping me from buying fish!!!

What did your ammo drop to, and was your last nitrIte posting a mistype? It said 1- .25 I guess you meant 1 - 2.5?
Ok, parameters:
Ph: 6.0 (Eeek!!!)
Ammonia: 2-4
Nitrite: .50
Nitrate: 80
Awww man. I guess I'll have to wait some more for fishes. How do I get the Ph up?! What else should I do?!
Ok, parameters:
Ph: 6.0 (Eeek!!!)
Ammonia: 2-4
Nitrite: .50
Nitrate: 80
Awww man. I guess I'll have to wait some more for fishes. How do I get the Ph up?! What else should I do?!

Told you to watch the pH! lol Just get it back up to the natural value of the tap with pwc's (as many and as much as it takes). I had a feeling when I saw the ammonia conversion slow that pH might be the issue.

If I sold an all-in-one fishless cycle kit...a small bag of crushed coral or arogonite would be included to add buffers and help keep the pH stable.
Homedog98 said:
So should I add some crushed coral? Can I get it at petsmart lol?

If you've got the money, sure. I think you can get by without it though.... just need to keep and eagle eye on pH, do pwc's as necessary to keep it up and be prepared for your cycle to take a little longer than you thought.

Crushed coral or aragonite aren't going to make you cycle instantly, but it is basically an insurance policy that you won't have to deal with pH crashes while you finish your cycle. If you get some, stick it in a mesh media bag (also at Petsmart) and jam it into your filter if it will fit. Otherwise just sticking the mesh bag near your filter intake will help tremendously.

The nitrifying bacteria prefers the mid to upper 7 range...and it's believed that around 6.5 the conversion slows, and below 6 it can stop completely. IMO/E, these pH crashes people with low alkalinity suffer basically make the bacteria become dormant and it takes a few days for it to wake up and get back to converting the ammonia. I think that's what happened here.

Seems to be a theme recently, that's why I revised the guide with more emphasis on pH, alkalinity and using CC to keep things stable.
:p is all this stuff cheap? Lol I know I probably could get by without it, but I'm sick of these stupid Ph crashes. I'll check it again and pray it went up a bit.
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