29g, problems with a guppy

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 27, 2006
Hi everyone! this is my first post and I guess I should give you all the info on my tank,
29g tropical with 4 bleeding heart tetra's, 6 cardinal tetra's,4 cory's,1 3" pleco and a feeder guppy that hitched a ride when I got the pleco.

Now some history, up until a week ago it had three fantail goldfish, the pleco and the guppie. Everyone got on very well. I adopted the three goldfish out to a new 75g tank, waited a few days and then added the B/H tetra's and the cory's, waited a few more days and added the cardinals.
Everyone seems to be doing very well the only problem being that the guppie is chasing and nipping at the cardinals... he keeps them hearded into one corner of the tank and they almost never come out.
the tank has plenty of hiding places ie. plants, caves,a tree stump (all decor is fake) but the guppy just seems to want the whole tank to himself. He is acting like some of the tiger barbs I've seem going after other fish at the LFS. Is there anything I can do or should I move him? He's actually nipped off a piece of one of the cardinals fins.
I would add some female guppies to the tank or if you don't want fry, some more males. I would not transfer him over to the new tank if you are housing goldies in there. Goldies are cold water fish and should not be kept with tropicals IMO. Are you sure the guppy is male? If so he may be wanting to breed.
thanks, I think he is a she!! She has a little spot on her belly.... does this make he/she a female?
The anal fin will be fan shaped if it is female, more straight and pointed if male. If a female you can add other females with no problem but you still may end up with fry as females can store sperm for several months.
Hi Zagz, I added another guppy and the problem was solved almost instantly!
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