Aquarium Advice FINatic
Well i have had a 29g salty for about.. a month or two now... had it stocked with a bunch of little guys... but nothing to big.. or to overly stocked.. I just took down my 55 gallon fw to upgrade to a 125 gallon.. so i had a 55 just sitting here lol... yesterday i acquired a Lion-fish for a pretty good deal.. problem was.. the fish was WAY to big for my 29gallon.. so out came the 55 gallon... While i was at it.. the RO/DI filtration system was bought... sand.. and a T12 4' shop light... ill take pictures as it gets up and going..
BTW.... anyone know how to break a 50lb holey rock?.. if not anyone want to buy it? LOL
BTW.... anyone know how to break a 50lb holey rock?.. if not anyone want to buy it? LOL