30g Long High Tech Planted Log

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nice blyxa... is it pearling or is that just from the refill?

Looks great Steve! Once you get the layout as you like it, it might be contest worthy ;)
Yes, the blyxa is very nice looking. Probably got 40 plants with roots and used about half of them. I gotta save some room for the next shipment. :)

In that picture it is still bubbly from the refill but today it is pearling nicely. The aromatica has been in there for a while now, wish I could get it to grow straight... Always seems to bend different directions. Getting some very nice reds/pinks on it though.

Have some id's for you guys.. Got a few mystery extras in the last shipment. I'll try to take a pic tonight.. I really need to charge my camera and take some good macro shots.

Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Any ideas? Really neat looking white leaf patterns. Already growing a new set of leaves. I'm going to start the ID hunt tomorrow. It's pearling also.. so whatever it is, it must be happy.


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Thanks Jason!

I think I figured it out... Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig' aka Sunset Hygrophila.

Hygrophila Polysperma

The highest stems in the tank are turning nice and pink. Something I didn't realize this plant would do since they were all a bright green color when I got them.

Didn't get much rearranging done in the tank yesterday - figured I should just wait until I get today's order in. Everything was pearling last night except for the Diversifolia. Can't seem to get that to pearl... but new leaves are forming already.
Another Update

Just a minor update to show some growth over the past couple days..

Limnophila Aromatica when I first got it:

Same plant just a few days later.. Oh, and I got Photobombed by my angel!

Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig' when I first got it:

Same plant after a few days:

Test piece of Sunset Hyrgo to see if it gets pink at the bottom of the tank:

That's it for now. I got some riccia, Utricularia graminifolia and Rotala macrandra ''Japan Red'' coming in from a local guy shortly. Looking forward to getting things situated once I get my ground cover.
Latest Plant List

This post is really just for my reference more than anything...

Current plant list:
Blyxa Japonica
Ludwigia Repens
Limnophila Aromatica
Lindernia Rotundifolia 'Variegated'
Eichhornia Diversifolia
Hygrophila Polysperma 'Rosanervig'
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Proserpinaca palustris
Myriophyllum Mattogrossense
Ammania Senegalensis

Coming in tomorrow:
Riccia fluitans
Utricularia graminifolia
Rotala Macrandra "Japan Red"
Need another ID

Ok planted tank experts. Help me ID this last stem I can't seem to find the name for...


Very nice healthy redish leaves. It has almost reached the top of my tank. Just curious what it is. I've dug around looking at hundreds of pictures and just can't find the exact same thing. Thanks for any help!
Are you still wanting to do some glosso?

I had a deal for a 4"x4" patch fall through so I gave up and decided to try some riccia and UG. We'll see how it works. I'm kind of in the buy it and try it stage. :) I think my poor fish are running out of room so I need to get rid of some of the blyxa and replace it with some lower growing plants.
Ok... if you decide you want some, let me know. I should have enough to get you started.

As far as the plant ID, I have no idea. The top looks a lot like ludwigia repens, but the narrow pointy leaves below obviously don't.
Sounds good, thanks Jonathan. I'm going to give the riccia and UG a try for now. If it doesn't work out I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

Yeah I have repens on the right side of my tank so I know it is not that. Driving me nuts lately trying to figure it out.

I should have some trimmings ready here by the end of next week. Planning on putting up everything on here first for a few days then going to the other forums if it doesn't sell. Might even do a ROAK for the AA folks.
Looks good! Your plants all look so healthy. :). Your mystery plant might be Ludwigia palustris.

If you have extra blyxa and no one has asked for it yet..I'm interested!
Looks good! Your plants all look so healthy. :). Your mystery plant might be Ludwigia palustris.

If you have extra blyxa and no one has asked for it yet..I'm interested!

Thanks for the tip! :) I'm still thrown off by the narrow oval shaped leaves. It could be palustris I suppose.

Sounds like you have first dibs on the blyxa. I'm getting my riccia and UG tomorrow so I'll be rescaping the whole tank again. I'm sure I'll end up with some extra blyxa after that.
I'm thinking it might be Ludwigia arcuata x repens. The leaf size actually matches up a little better. I'll give it some more time to color up and see if it is really arcuata x repens.
That's a possibility as well. The top leaves look more repens like but the bottom looks more like repens x arcuata or palustris. It's a hard ID for sure! Either way it looks really happy.
I know... I'm a genius ;)

Serioulsy, any plants you want to rid yourself of, let me know. I'll compensate you of course, and you're welcome to anything I've got, as it seems I have at least 3 more of everything that I want.
New Goodies

Well I didn't get my plants in yesterday, hoping to get them by tomorrow the latest. Since I had some free time I went to the local Harbor Freight store and found some goodies for my fish tank. Honestly though, I didn't go there for fish stuff! I swear! :)

Anyways here is what I got...

New dual outlet timer for my solenoid and reactor ($9.99):

10" Bent Tip Hemostat (I ground off the part that locks the two halves together - they are like tweezers now) ($2.99):

Glass scraper ($1.99 + $0.99 for 10 blades):

That is all the goodies I got for my tank yesterday. Not much else going on in the tank other than I had to trim the Sunset Hygro because it was getting to close to the lights and the leaves were curling up. They were almost a bright red when I got back from the store yesterday. After a few hours being lower in the tank the leaves straightened out again.
Did a little trimming last night...



Kristin and Jonathan, you have PM's :)
Just a quick update.. Been neglecting this tank a bit as I've been working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. Auto dosers are bone dry, and have been for a week or so. Jon's glosso has gone absolutely crazy in the short time I've had it.

I'm closing on a house on/before August 12th. This tank will be moved but I have plans for a in-wall double sided viewing tank. Not sure the gallons yet, but probably 90+. Thinking low tech so maybe cichlids with some low light plants (vals, swords, etc).

Future home of an in-wall tank:
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