40 gallon biotope build

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I had been thinking of pitbulls when I was cycling. Had been thinking about getting them for a really long time. Then when your's died so did my thinking about getting them. They do seem like cool fish though, so I'm sure that one day I'll be keeping them too. I was also looking up alligator dwarf plecos, but it seems like those are really rare. Only an inch long but with massive heads.
Yeah, my tanks had issues then though because of that whole stupid situation where the tank wasn't in my control for awhile. Thats how I lost 2 Bolivians, my keyhole, and my pitties. I do have 1 Bolivian who lived through it though and it doing awesome. :)
Without that hitch, I think the pitties did really well. They were much more rewarding than the bnp I used to have awhile ago. That bnp ended up coming to me with ich. It was the last fish I ever bought from PetCo.
I really strongly recommend the pitties though. They can always go in your next tank. ;)
I can't think about the pitbulls too much or I might start thinking...hmm my tests are good I could probably add some to this tank. Somewhere I do have to find a limit lol. That next tank of mine is going to have to be pretty big to cram in everything.
Lol, I know what you mean.
Well, you can see what its like once you get the red lizards and the oil cats and the rest of your tetras. Once you actually see it all, it can be easier to figure out how much will fit. Its really good that you are stocking slowly. Its always a wise idea IMO.
Besides, there is also your grandma's tank.
Do you have a plan for when you are going to get more tetras?
The same place that has the oil cats also has the tetras so ideally I'd like to get them both at the same time and save myself an extra two hour trip. I've been putting it off though since I think it'll be easier, but still not easy, to net the silvertip and gold if I don't have tons of similar fish swimming around while I'm trying to do it.
I'll only be seeing her tank like once a week so I get to be selfish and get all the really cool fish. I want to make sure she has hardy ones though. No pitbulls for her.
Lol, I would not look forward to having to net silver tips. My babies were hard enough to net out of my 10g to move them into a bigger tank!
Good idea to go with hardy fish for her. Especially if she over feeds. A bnp or something like that would be good for her probably.
Just make sure not to let those oil cats slip away!
I think trying to catch the silvertip is going to involve much swearing. In fact I pretty much guarantee it. So not looking forward to trying it lol.
I think she'd like a bristlenose. Big and easy for her to see. I was thinking corys as well since she has the two. Those, the tetras, and call it a day. Understocked her would be good as well. I should start a thread about recovering the tank. Maybe someone's done it before and has some tips for me.
Thats a really good idea. I have only ever re-done small tanks that were pretty easy to dis-assemble. Besides, then you will get more people to help. :)
I have some empty spare tanks that I'm not using because they're all in the 20 gallon or less range. I had thought about putting the corys in there and cleaning her tank but couldn't think my way through all the kinks.
I would think that would work out ok.
I can't believe you are just hiding all those tanks and not stocking them! Lol.
Lack of outlets is a serious problem for me. Besides they're small tanks lol. Couple 10s, a 20, and I think a 29. If the 29 is there it needs resealed since my old rat ate the silicon.
Yeah, but you can still put some pretty cool stuff in those little tanks. I know what you mean about outlets though. That can limit things a bit.
I meant to ask you this earlier. Do you know what genders the red lizards are going to be? Just curious because I read that only the females are really red and the males are a bit more brown. I don't know if that was reliable info or not, but thats what I saw.
I read the same thing about the red lizards. I didn't even ask about getting certain sexes to be honest. I was just so excited that they had them for a pretty good price. With as helpful as they seemed they might have actually done it for me. I haven't gotten the fish yet obviously, but for the point I'm at I've had a good experience with them. Best case I'll end up with a male and two females, but at least they'll get along no matter what the ratio.
True. I was just curious. I guess you will find out soon though. You don't seem to care about breeding anyways, but I just thought girls would be nice if are a bit more red. Do you know how big they are supposed to be?
It would be pretty cool if any of my fish bred. I've only ever had livebearers and zebra danios breed and that's about as easy as it gets. I just don't have a grow out tank and the even bigger problem is if I'm really successful what I'd do with all the babies.
The website says 2". I forgot to get batteries for my crappy camera. Looks like I'll be pulling them out of my remote control just so I can get some pics lol.
Well, you are going to have to because I NEED pictures of these guys! 2 inches sounds pretty good. Some fish seem to do better when you get smaller ones, and some do better if you get larger ones. 2 inches seems like a nice middle ground though.
This is the camera, that for whatever reason, has a yellowish tint to all the pictures it takes. I haven't the slightest idea why, but I'll do my best. I really can't wait to get them. I think they're just going to look amazing in there with all the leaves.
Oh definitely! I will be curious to see how much they hide too. New fish do like to hide for awhile often.
How many pot caves did you end up making? I know we talked about this, but my memory has lapses. Lol.
I have three pot caves but I don't know how much they'll be used. Even the corys ignore them. I still have no idea where they hide most of the time. They just magically appear. PVC will probably be better for the red lizards. I'll see how they do and if there's not enough place to hide I'll add some and take out the claypots.
Bags just now arrived and are floating. These guys are so tiny. I have to go find batteries quick.
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