4ppm for 3 wks and white stuff

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 8, 2010
East Texas
I started my fishless cycle 3wks ago and the amonnia level is still at 4 ppm. Did I do something wrong?

Also on the bottom of the cord that goes to my filter there is this white slimy but hairy looking stuff for about 3 inches. Any ideas what it is?
You haven't done anything wrong. It takes a while, especially if you haven't seeded your tank with material from an established tank. You should start seeing changes in the next week or two and it should go fast after that.

I wouldn't worry about the white slimy stuff while you're cycling. I had all kinds of critters living in my "empty" tank while fishless cycling. If it really bothers you, scrape it off.
Is the white stuff on the actual cord? I may be worried if the filter is leaking onto the cord. Be sure you have a drip loop installed and a GFCI outlet installed.
the white stuff is on th part of the cord in the tank. I have a tetra whisper from walmart. It came with the tank. I did scrape it off the other day and it grew back even more.
Also I have put a cup of gravel in from an established (10 year old) tank.
Hmm... I'm not familiar with the Tetra Whisper filters but I know my filter has a cord that is on the outside of the tank (comes out of the bottom of the HOB filter).
Ah, that's what I figured after his last post. I wouldn't be worried about it then. Usually it will go away or you can scrape it off. My suction cups for my diffuser sometimes get that white stuff on them but it wipes off easily enough.
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