5 Bolivian Rams

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 21, 2011
I just won an auction for 5 Bolivian rams. I didn't think I would actually win it, so I'm thrilled! This will be my first experience seeing/keeping any kind of ram.
I chose them over GBRs because my water is so hard and alkaline, I don't want to risk fish not doing well with acclimation.

Any tips on keeping them? They will be spread out over several 29g tanks.
Are you keeping them with other fish? i suggest not to. I had a pair of bolivian rams and they becam extremely agressive. attacking almost anything in my tank, they shredded my bettas fins, almost killed my corys, even tried chasing my tetras. they are not community fish so you need to keep them with other boisterous and rough fish. Other than that they are pretty easy to keep. They're not hard to feed, and I never had problems with them being sensitive to ph or akilinity. Put a cave and lots of plants in the tank fr them, they like the securtiy of a cave to hide in when it gets dark. Hope this helps! They are nice, but really aggresive and i ussually don't recomend them because of that, but everyone has their favorite fish! Just make sure not to keep them with timid or easygoing fish and you'll be fine! :)
If there are pairs, they will not be kept with bottom feeders but perhaps hatchets or other top feeders. i know they are aggressive when spawning (sometimes)

singles will go into communities.
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