5 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 6, 2006
hi i hv another five gallon tank and i would like to know which suit the best in this small tank? and is it alright for me to put a catfish in it? :roll: Thanks..
I'd recommend either two male guppies or my personal favorite for that size tank - a Betta. Betta's have WONDERFUL personalities - I have five of them (separated since you can't keep two male bettas together). You could also have a mystery snail with him (but you'd have to watch to make sure the snail doesn't get picked on). Mystery snails are another of my favorite tank occupants.
umm what fish do you have? (there is a reason why you put what you have in the "myinfo" thing)

even smaller cats like upside down, and glass cats get 3"-4" long, and most plecos are out of the question, so no not really any cats, but you could get a betta
Well, most catfish are too big to put in a 5 gal. You could fit a few cories, but the problem with that is cories can be kinda sensitive (you really have to watch a 5 gal to make sure it stays stable) and they're happier when you have them in groups of 4 or 5.

I mean, you could put 2 emerald (or albino) cories or 3 panda cories in there, but most ppl would tell you not to. You could get 5 dwarf cories, but they're so small it's probably not what you're looking for.

Really, that's kind of the way it goes with a 5. gal. A lot of the stuff that you can reasonably fit in there is small stuff that is kind of sensitive and/or likes to school, and you can't fit a good sized school.

If you can keep everything stable, ottos would be really good bottom feeders for a 5 gal.
why dont u try something different with the 5 gal? maybe a planted tank and them some shrimp and snails? u could start with low light plants like mosses and crypts then work your way up to some harder stuff. but i agree with everyone else that a 5 is to small for catfish. a betta is an awesome choice though.
A couple of these were already mentioned but I'll reiterate.

You could always add otos or pitbull plecos. Otos don't look like a catfish but they are technically plecos. Pitbull plecos are only slightly bigger than otos and have more of a catfish look. Pitbulls are kind of hard to find aswell. Both stay under 2".

On the other catfish side, dwarf cories and pygmy cories could possibly work. Note that they are two different species. Both of them stay under 2" as well. The dwarf cory doesn't look catfish while the pygmy does I think.

3 - 6 of any of these should fill out your tank. As mr funktastic has mentioned, you should try a planted tank. A little plant life goes a long way in filtration, hiding spots, and all around coolness.
I have a 5gal with two ottos, and some amano shrimp, I also have some platy fry in there that are going to be moved out pretty soon. I had a male and female guppy in my 5gal, but i didnt like the look of it, they just looked TOO big. So I put them in my 10gal. I have a betta in a small tank aswell, they would be fantastic in there. There are alot of options for a nano tank. Just to name a few(some of these might not be good for beginners and may be hard to find in your area)

-dwarf puffers(1)
-a small shcool of smaller types of tetras(school of three or four)
-mosquito rasboras(3)
-freshwater shrimp of any kind(1-5 depending on size)
-endlers livebearers(3)
-wild guppies(3)
-sunset coral dwarf platys(2)

the number beside is the number of fish of the same species you could fit in a tank. Some of these fish you should not combine. I would suggest only choosing on of these species, and just make a species tank instead of mixing species to make a community tank.

I hope this helps
good luck with the cycling, and the stocking, let us know what you decide

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