55 Gallon Stocking Questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 22, 2014
So, basically i didn't research enough and i ended up with three types of schooling fish in my 20 gallon, but not enough room for schools. The tank currently holds:
-1 dwarf gourami
-2 silver hatchetfish
-2 Skirt Tetras
-2 peppered corys
-1 mystery snail

So now I'm planning on upgrading to a 55 gallon, and need some advise in stocking. I plan on bringing my hatchetfish, tetras, and cory schools up to six. Is this a good school size for these fish? Ive heard that hatchetfish do better with even larger schools, should i maybe go up to 8 with them? I would also like to add a nice centerpiece fish, preferably an angelfish. Would the angel fish and the gourami get along? I've been getting a lot of mixed results around this topic. Some people say they do, some say they don't. Anyone had first hand experience with angels and dwarf gouramis? Would i also maybe have room for another school of peaceful fish like Harlequin Rasboras? I really like them and would love to incorporate them into my new tank. I also plan on adding a smaller species of pleco, either bristle nose or rubber lip. Which species do you recommend? Would they bother my mystery snail? I do have a beta tank i can move him into if there is a possibility of him getting hurt. Sorry its so long, i just want to get it right this time. So, basically, all of this sums up into this:
-1 or 2 Angel fish
-1 dwarf gourami
-1 bristlenose/rubberlip pleco
-6 hatchetfish (maybe 8)
-6 Skirt tetras
-6 corys
-6 harlequin rasboras
-1 mystery snail

Good plan or not? Again, sorry about the length and i hope i didn't confuse anyone. Also any tips are appreciated :) Thanks for reading!
Oh and btw it will be a planted tank with most likely java fern, anacharis, amazon swords, vallisnera, and a few moss balls.
Sounds good. I would get rubberlips, because they are not as territorial i believe. But i'm not sure. Good luck!
It sounds like a good plan. I would go with 2 angels and it shouldn't matter which type of pleco you go with as you only want 1.
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