55 Gallon Tank - Day 58

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 28, 2006
Hey Everyone,

So now that I solved my test kit problem and given it a couple weeks here are my recent readings from this afternoon.

PH: 7.2-7.4
Ammonia: 0.25
Nitrites: 0

My last PWC was a 50-60% done 5 days ago.

I am curious where I may be at in the cycle. I still see some brownish algae it wipes off, but grows back every week but is becoming less and less every week.

Now a couple weeks ago I had found that I had an high ammonia when I realized my tests were giving me accurate info. Since using the new test kit and comparing it to results at the LFS I am back to feeling pretty good about things.

My current stocking is:
5 Head and Tail Light Tetras
5 Misc. Platys
3 Paradise Gourami
2 Clown Pleco

I would like to add fish again but really lost my confidence when I killed a bunch with that ammonia problem and really am lost to where I am at in the cycle. I did write AP about the test kit problem and sent the test kit to them. They never gave me a reason why certain tests were bad put they did send me another test kit free of charge.

I am also looking for stocking suggestions and how many more fish I can add when I am comfortable again.
assuming you've got 0ppm nitrate from you tap water, you appear to be close to being done.

however, because you used fish to cycle, your bacterial colony is only developed enough to handle your current fish load.

So when you do stock again, you should only do 2-3 fish, and you'll need to watch ammonia for any spikes above 0.00ppm.

This is why fishless cycling is so great. You raise ammonia to lethal levels and grow your bacteria to a size taht can cope with it. When cycling is complete, you get to add 100% of your fish stocking as the bio filter will be able to handle it without any issues. (not trying to lecture you...rather hoping that others will learn from this)

As for stocking suggestions, I've never liked telling other fish keepers what to keep. Mixing tetra species is easy due to general compatibility & temperment, yet it gives you a wider variety of color and size. perhaps a small school of cory's for bottom dwellers.
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