55 stocking and temperment

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
Could I have a convict, a jewel cichlid, a jack dempsey and a senegal bichir in a 55 gallon tank?
I don't know anythying about bichir's. IMO though you don't want to put jewel cichlid's in with those SA cichlids. Jewel's are African cichlids and although I've seen them successfully housed with SA cichlids I still don't think it's a good idea.
Haha... the answer is "normal output flourescents". Sorry, that made me laugh.
Which of the following can work:
1. convicts, jewels and bichir
2. convict, jd and bichir
3. jd and bichir
4. jewel and bichir
Fruitbat has an excellent profile of the Bichir on our website
It's here http://aquariumadvice.com/viewtopic.php?t=21833

From what I understand in my limited info Bichir's are from africa (thus not compatible with SA cichlids) and slow moving (thus not compatible with most any cichlids). Therefore I would say thea none of your above options can work from my limited info on bichir's. A tank of convicts and a JD would work though without the bichir.
I currently have the bichir with my convicts and are doing alright for the most part. I can get rid of the convicts, it might be a liitle bit of a problem for me but its not that much of a problem, but I would prefer them all to stay. What I did want however were tankmates that were visually and personality wise appealing. I have read that article many times but I don't think that I would like african butterfly fish or congos or any of the other fish listed in that article, that is why I have been trying to research other possible compatabilities. My bichir is very passive though.
The bichir's aren't the problem, once sexually mature cichlids become aggressive and slow moving fish get torn to bits since they move so quickly.
That's just great, meh, I guess I have no choice but to keep the tank, the way it is.
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