55g Dirt Planted

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Wow man, your tank looks great! I thought that diversifolia would do good for you. Looks like you've trimmed it a few times now, I only sent you a stem or two to try out didn't I? I've had the same problem with swords... they're algae magnets.

One suggestion for your filters... lift the intake tube up and let it drain before you do your pwc. Without water in it, it won't allow the water in the filter to siphon out when the water level drops, and you won't have to worry about your media drying out. No cup, no soap, no worries.
Wow man, your tank looks great! I thought that diversifolia would do good for you. Looks like you've trimmed it a few times now, I only sent you a stem or two to try out didn't I? I've had the same problem with swords... they're algae magnets.

One suggestion for your filters... lift the intake tube up and let it drain before you do your pwc. Without water in it, it won't allow the water in the filter to siphon out when the water level drops, and you won't have to worry about your media drying out. No cup, no soap, no worries.

Yup, got it from Jon. I think you sent me two stems, and I've only trimmed once. It's a good experimental plant---from what I've read/heard it needs higher light, so my light combined with the dirt must be doing it good...gives me some confidence for higher light plants.

As for the intake, how the heck have I never thought of doing that!? Need to do that from now on haha. I think the tank will be fine, no soap bubbles or anything at the water surface.

Thanks for the compliments, guys.
Swords ARE algae magnets. They are the one thing in my 50 gal that have always have a little bit of algae on them no matter what I do. I just recently got a stem of diversifolia from Rookie as well. I hope mine does as well as yours..very nice! The tank looks great!
Vals are in bad shape, everything else is fine. Excuse the terrible water quality---gotta love dirt. What could be the cause? I may also consider removing all of them and planting with a tall, thin grass all along the left. Opinions on both, please.





Okay, sorry to bump, but I am going to be making some changes to this tank. I want the Vals and the Diversifolia out, so I will be removing them after my PWC today. By the time I get the next plants, I figure the dwarf sag will have made its way over to the left side of the tank completely. I'll be trimming those out later on.

Why do I want the Vals out?
Well, not really because they aren't doing well, but because I want a narrow-leaf grass tank with the exception of the swords.

Why do I want the Diversifolia out?
They are pretty ugly :p.

So, I want a three-species tank. Some may say that it silly and boring, but I'm very into the simple look.

Recommend me a tall growing grass that can do well in 2x54W
What??? No love for the diversifolia??? I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As for the vals, I stand by my thoughts we discussed in chat about giving the tank some time to settle in. I do have to agree that a simple 3 plant scape will most likely look better though.
I like this scape- I gotta have simplicity or full out wild jungle tank....and this is a nice relaxing scape. If you weren't hating on the diversifolia, I'd suggest taking the vals out and filling in with diversifolia. Love the swords around the dw, btw. My experience with vals is that they can take a while to recover from shipping/planting melt. Never had super good luck with them because once they recovered from shipping, I nuked them with Excel. lol What are you going to replace them with?
Still don't know what I am going to replace them with...looking for a grass. I liked the E. d but for some reason it has quickly dwindled in appeal.
Why do I want the Diversifolia out?
They are pretty ugly :p.

No offense but I think it would look better if it was planted more in bunches and not just stragglers. Trimming it once it hits the middle of the tank really seems to make it take off and fill in. FWIW.
Everything pulled except D.s and A.s, excuse the poor quality as it was taken from my cell phone and after a water change. Plants are lush green, not yellow. What should I fill the left side with?

Looks gorgeous just how it is!

Hmmm...How much light do you have on this tank again? Are you still sticking with the "grass tank" theme?
Thanks! It has 2x54W T5-HO. Yes, I am. I'd like a thin-bladed plant that will grow as tall as the water surface, but want to try something other than Vals. I want to line the back with them as well, up to the filter intake. I guess what I'm aiming for is an "L" pattern...having the third species extend from furthest front left to middle back. Does that make sense? Some may see it as being plain, I see simple beauty.
Some that I'm liking (as found on the Florida Aquatic Nurseries site).

Cyperus helferi
Eleocharis motevidensis
Hydrotriche hottoniiflora Not grass but loving the needle look, could look great with a huge jungle of it. May prosper with soft NYC water.
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eleocharis vivipara
Giant hairgrass
Blyxa auberti
Cyperus helferi
Crypt Spiralis
Crypt crispatula
Isoetes lacustris
Some that I'm liking (as found on the Florida Aquatic Nurseries site).

Cyperus helferi
Eleocharis motevidensis
Hydrotriche hottoniiflora Not grass but loving the needle look, could look great with a huge jungle of it. May prosper with soft NYC water.

Was just checking plant lists and also liked the look of the Cyperus helferi
and Gaint hairgrass (Eleocharis montevidensis). What about eleocharis vivipara?
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Ohhh, nice list! I'm off to play some basketball and am doing nothing later tonight, so I'll start looking up all your recommendations then. Thanks!
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