55g long build

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 27, 2011
Currently have a 10month old 20g. I am now looking at a 55g as well. I will be putting in Julii Corys, tetras (red minor for sure, they are in my 20g and are very active especially at feeding) possibly a smaller breed of a loach, snail, clown pleco and would like to get some ghost shrimp. Numbers to be figured out later. I am going to plumb a powerhead with a quickfilter and run a aquaclear filter. Live plants with a chunk of DW.

My question is how to lay it out. I want to plan it basically, not set in stone because who knows where it will go. Is it better to have many decorations or just a few so there is lots of swimming space.
Another thought is bow front vs normal. Which is the preference?
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