6 line wrass and cleaner shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 15, 2006
Nashville TN
IF I got a six line wrasse, could I also get cleaner shrimp and possiably a coral banded shrimp for clean up? if not...then the six line is out!
Dunno about the six line, but I would not get a CBS and Cleaner together. Atleast in my experience, the CBS will become very agressive towards the other. Some people can keep them together, some cannot.
Cleaner wrasses tend to starve, CBS will be agressive to other shrimp. I would go with the cleaner shrimp and 6 line wrasse. If you want, the fire shrimp are very colorful and will clean also (mine never did, I was new and overfed, so he got lazy).
Check this out, from etropicals.com:
I like the colors and this will be my next cleaner shrimp.
ok I just noticed I said cleaner wrasse. OPPS, I meant cleaner shrimp LOL
rocka I like that shrimp..
so it would be OK if I got a six line wrasse and a cleaner? cause my dad REALLY likes the six line, and I had to BEGGGGGGGG him to let me do the SW, so I want a fish that will make him happy... :wink:
I think you should be good with the 6 line and cleaner shrimp.
Cool, I really would like to see the shrimp, other than on the etropicals page.
Sorry to Butt in, but i was doing some research on the six line wrasse, and it mentioned that they like to hide in sand, and make holes in the sand bed, do they make a big mess in the tank ??

I don't own one, but I believe they sleep and hunt bristleworms, in the sand. Hopefully someone that owns one might be of more assistance.
I have a six line and cleaner in my 12gal nano with no problems. It has almost been two years for that tank. I also have a CBS in my larger reef with two cleaners and have not had any problems. I am not sure I would attempt them both in a 29gal however. The CBS may need a bit more real-estate then that in order to get along with other shrimp.
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