60 Gallon FW Help Me Stock!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 12, 2014
Just 1 large Angelfish and a few Cory's thus-far. I was thinking of going community this time around and would like to have some nice variety and color. Any input is appreciated! (Not interested in more Angels or Cichlids.)

2X Emperor 400 filters
Here's a list:
A few more cories
Emporer tetras
Rosy barbs
Rummy nose tetra
Congo tetra
Bristlenose pleco
Red eye tetra
Skirt tetras of any color
Gold barbs
Cherry barbs kuhli loaches
Yoyo loaches
Farowella twig catfish
Denisons barb
Siamese algae eater
Bloodfin tetra
Glass bloodfin tetra
Cardinal tetra
Columbian red blue tetra
Head and tail light tetra
Odessa barbs
Flame tetra
Serpae tetra
Rainbow fish (larger ones)
Thread fin rainbows
Forktail rainbows
Blind cave tetra
Tiger barbs (large schoal)
Pristella tetra
Scissor tail rasboras
Harlequin rasboras
Emerald cories (get larger than most cories, not a real Cory)
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Hey. What else was I gonna do after a test in the last hour of school. :whistle:

What do you think stock wise?

A schoal of 9 or so tiger barbs, a couple groups of tetras some male guppies and others is probably along the lines of what I'm looking at. I've always done species tanks - this is my first community since I was a youngling. Looking forward to getting some interesting variety going, thanks for the ideas!

(The angel is the last of my group of 7 that i had in there previously with the cories, he was harassed and alienated by his tank mates my room mate felt sorry for him and made me keep him lol)
Barrett, the opportunities are endless!
A lot has already been mentioned in this post.
In my community I've had (angel and cories) along with rasboras, swordtails, silver dollars, rainbows, different types of tetras
I wouldn't say to get SD for sure mine are huge and skittish and knocked the angel around a little but I love schools of tetras. Hatchets are another idea depending on your lid/plant cover.
Thanks egghead! Probably wont on the SD I prefer my submissive angel to be the largest thing in the tank.
Yeah that's probably a good idea :)
I like to see what my local places have and then come back and investigate them
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