60 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 11, 2011
hi everybody, I've had my new tank for 2 months now. So far, I have these fish in there:
3 Blood Gouramis
3 Pearl Gouramis
3 koi swordtails
6 guppies
2 neon tetras (was at 5. 3 died, i never have luck with them)
1 black molly.

is this too much for my 60 gallon tank? it measures. 4 feet width by 1 feet, and 3 feet tall.

I want to add in
3 dwarf gouramis
1 panda cory
maybe some glowlight tetras or something to have a grand total of 27 fishes. (i heard for feng shui purposes, it's good to have multiple of 9)

but not sure if thats pushing the limit. i keep hearing the rule of thumb, but thought i would ask. my water is consistanly at 25 degrees (77f)

i change out 10 gallons of water every week.

the only thing i would suggest is if you do get the cory get atleast 5 and maybe get more neons because they like schools also. Also i didnt think you could have more than 1 gourami in a tank? Correct me if im wrong but i kinda remember hearing that somewhere
Hello, welcome to the site. I would not recommend adding any more gouramis. They tend to get territorial with each other, and you already have 6. Corys need to be in groups. I would recommend at 5 panda corys.
If you keep your present stock plus add 4 more neons to get a proper school and 5 panda corys, you will have a multiple of 9, and all your fish should be happy. Otherwise, you could get rid of your last 2 neons and get 6 glowlights instead. You don't really have space to add the glowlights, and have proper schools of everything else, and have a multiple of 9 in my opinion.
Thanks for all your quick replies so far.

I have done more research on the Gouramis, and I will not be getting any more!

I will reconsider adding any more fish. i might just leave it at 18.
Thanks for all your quick replies so far.

I have done more research on the Gouramis, and I will not be getting any more!

I will reconsider adding any more fish. i might just leave it at 18.
Neons get stressed really easy though when they do not have a proper school. Stress leads to disease and death in neons. I don't think its a good idea to keep just 2. You could re-home tham and get 2 more mollies instead. Or else, ou could get 2 platys or 2 more guppies.
neons are irritating, if they dont have a school of at least 5 they dont do well... i agree with the post above mine, rehome the neons and get something else, as for not wanting to crowd your tank, i had 8 mollies, 1 neon (i know, not a good idea), 2 plecos, and a snail in a little 10 gallon and everything stayed balanced and none died or even got sick. I recently upgraded to a 30 gallon, so i need to get more fish cause its looking kind of empty :)
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