65 gal reef help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 28, 2012
Hey everybody,Just got a 65 gal sw aquarium this Christmas and have a few questions. How much live rock would be enough for this tank? And once it cycles how big should my clean up crew be?
Any advice would be a huge help
Also what if I bought mostly dry rock and put in some live rock to seed it would that work? How much longer would it make the cycle time?
A lot of that is preference. Average is one pound of rock per gallon. Some use less, some more. Depends on your goal. I would do 20 snails and a few hermits if you want them. Some people hate them, I love to watch them
Ok thanks I'm prob going to get mostly dry rock because live rock at my lfs it's 7 bucks a pound which is a bit more than I'd like to spend on rocks lol. Also could I have a cleaner shrimp and a brittle star also? Or is that to much cuc
Ok thanks I'm prob going to get mostly dry rock because live rock at my lfs it's 7 bucks a pound which is a bit more than I'd like to spend on rocks lol. Also could I have a cleaner shrimp and a brittle star also? Or is that to much cuc

I like nass snails to keep sand stirred and a few astrea snails and a serpent star for cuc cleaner shrimp are ok to
Well I got about 70 lbs of rock an in pretty happy with the aquascape I made. When I get my cuc would just those couple different snails be all i need? How many of each would you recommend?
I also have found a tiny crab about the size of my pinky finger nail and a very small snail on the rocks I bought should I leave them alone or try to get them out?
Well I got about 70 lbs of rock an in pretty happy with the aquascape I made. When I get my cuc would just those couple different snails be all i need? How many of each would you recommend?

Ceriths nerites astreas not a fan of hermits at beginning only get a few then more as you add fish and such but ya those are all i use imo astreas seem to do the most work but having variety isnt a bad idea thaose are glass and rock cleaners nassarius clean sand which imo is very important in my 55g fully stocked i had 4-5 astreas 4-5 nerites 30 tongan nassarius and a serpent star ive had bad luck with emeralds and sallylightfoot nice when small but when grown both have caught fish
I think crabs look very cool but I don't think I'm going to get any for that reason
I'm deffinitly going to get one or two cleaner shrimp they look really cool and iv heard that they are very active and will even try to clean your hand if you put it in the tank:)
I found this clearish looking thing in my Rock in a little whole almost looks like an anemone.. Any idea on what it could be???
I found this clearish looking thing in my Rock in a little whole almost looks like an anemone.. Any idea on what it could be???

Google Aptasia and manjano anemonea. If that's it they are unwanted nuisance anemoneas and should be eradicated.
Google Aptasia and manjano anemonea. If that's it they are unwanted nuisance anemoneas and should be eradicated.

Iv googled both and they don't really look like ether so I'm going to leave them for now
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