65 gallon planted stocking

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 18, 2013
South Dakota
Hey all,

After 8 years, the last of my angelfish pair passed. I bought them as an adult pair, so I'm not sure how old they actually were. This has left a large hole in my tank. I'm thinking of doing a restock but am wondering on suggestions.

The tank is a 65 gallon planted Amazon type biotope. Lots of driftwood, swords, and anubias. Because of all the driftwood, even after all this time, it still leaches so any fish will need to be able to tolerate that between my water changes.

Below is my current stock. I'd like to stick with the community and centerpiece fish idea, but don't want to do angels this time. Something biggish that will be a show stopper. I'd like to do maybe parrots or maybe an Oscar, but I've done absolutely no research on either of these to know if they would even work, but something along those lines. I'd also like to up my school numbers if there would still be room and maybe add a Cory school. I don't know

Current stock:
1 bristle nosed pleco
8 white skirt tetras
10 rummynose tetras
5 Columbian Tetras
1 rainbow shark

Definitely won't be able to add a Oscar and don't know if the Blood Parrot would work
A Electric Blue Acara may work.
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