6th week tank update

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 21, 2005
to review my progress so far:
new 10 gal tank. put too many fish in too soon. had horribly high ammonia levels of 8+. changed the filter and took out most of the gravel. doing regular water changes.

where the tank stands now:
ammonia level down to 1. still no nitrates or nitrites. ph stable. no fish deaths in about 3 weeks now. water is nice and clear. have about a dozen mollie fry that are thriving and growing.
will be looking for a second tank in the coming weeks for all the little fish.

not having the tank start its cycle is starting to get discouraging, but i'm determined to stick it out.

so close yet so far away.....
i know how you feel...just hang in there...its been 6 weeks for me as well and for the last 4 ive been battling my 5ppm nitrites...no signs of nitrates so far...in your case changing the filter and removing most of the gravel could have caused your cycle to start all over again since u removed most of the bacteria u had along with those items...people here have recommended me not to go crazy on the gravel vac until the cycle is finished...so i use the python but try not to disturb the gravel too much...as far as the filter is concerned...havent touched it since i set up the tank...good luck and dont give up... :D
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