75 BIG BAD GALLONS OF PLANTED GREEN & FISH (work in progress)[many pix i prmomis]

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Question about Amazon swords. Are the new shoots normally brownish on top?

Ive found a few new snails. ( saw them even before I had plants :S) there small dark brown almost goldish close up. I have only seen them on the sides of the tank and not on either of my new plants. will these guys harm my plants? I dont care about looking at them i think snails are kinda neat.. i just care about my plants. so should I invest in a loach or some liquid snail be gone?

And I have to say im in love with this light fixture from current usa. AWESOME totally worth the cash. the two night time lunar lights are the coolest thing ive seen.. they make those dope shimmering light rays into the water... god i want my camera back :(

did some h2o testing 2day on the 75g

-pH 7.2
-Nitrate 20 ppm
-Ammonia 0 ppm
-Nitrite 0 ppm

pH fluctuated a bit (from 7.6 on thursday)
Nitrate rose from 10 ppm (since 19th)
always (on days i test) seen ammonia at 0
always (on days i test) seen nitrite at 0

so what again am i looking for to know that my tank has cycled? a spike in ammonia and then a dropoff the next day :S?

I think I figured out the co2 setup I plan to get.

1 Ma957 co2 regulator ( includes solenoid valve)
1 Milwaukee instruments ph - co2 controller sms 122
tubing co2 proof not the junk others will give you
1 bubble counter screws in to the regulator
Bubble counter fluid
(2) bottles of 7.0 calibration solution
(1) bottle of electrode cleaning solution for the sms122 ph controller
5 lb co2 cylinder

all thats left out is a reactor/diffuser which I can build myself waiting for the stuff above to come in the mail and save the extra 70 bux + tax for one.

so what do you guys n gals think? Is this all good enough for my build? am i missing anything? is there something i dont really need ( save me some money) thanks in advance!

Nitrate rose from 10 ppm (since 19th)
always (on days i test) seen ammonia at 0
always (on days i test) seen nitrite at 0

so what again am i looking for to know that my tank has cycled? a spike in ammonia and then a dropoff the next day :S?

Pretty much. If you're using a pure ammonia source, you should see a spike right after adding it and then it should go down in a few hours. If you're using fish food or something else that has to rot to produce ammonia, you shouldn't see any spike at all, the bacteria should convert it as it's made.

You sound ready for your first fish! Although if you're going to put the CO2 on, you might get that set up first. Defiantly can put in all the plants you want though.
so what do you guys n gals think? Is this all good enough for my build? am i missing anything? is there something i dont really need ( save me some money) thanks in advance!
The controller will make your life easier, but if your water is hard enough, you can get away with just the bubble counter and the pH test kit. You will get small daily swings in pH that way, but if your alk is high enough, it won't hurt the fish.
That CO2 setup will be very nice, actually more than you would need. It will allow you to go fully automated. You might want to consider going for a 10lbs CO2 cylindar instead if you have the room, since they only cost a small amount more to buy and refill than the 5lbs CO2 cylindar.
Pretty much. If you're using a pure ammonia source, you should see a spike right after adding it and then it should go down in a few hours. If you're using fish food or something else that has to rot to produce ammonia, you shouldn't see any spike at all, the bacteria should convert it as it's made.

You sound ready for your first fish! Although if you're going to put the CO2 on, you might get that set up first. Defiantly can put in all the plants you want though.

Yea I havent been dosing with pure ammonia just using a bit of fish food and some dirty water/ dirty sponges from my 30g goldfish tank. Yea im probably going to wait for the co2 before the fish for the sake of the fish and the sake of my wallet. (being very empty at the moment) =p

The controller will make your life easier, but if your water is hard enough, you can get away with just the bubble counter and the pH test kit. You will get small daily swings in pH that way, but if your alk is high enough, it won't hurt the fish.

hmm, well Illl see what the difference would be without the controller (but that whole list was a package deal) so I think ill just stick with it. Nice to always know your pH without having to test everyday, and when i eventually get my discus it will probably be worth the investment. (this way i have bubble counter, pH test kit, and overkill with pH controller lol)

That CO2 setup will be very nice, actually more than you would need. It will allow you to go fully automated. You might want to consider going for a 10lbs CO2 cylindar instead if you have the room, since they only cost a small amount more to buy and refill than the 5lbs CO2 cylindar.

thanks, it should be for the price lol =p but i like the sound of automated. Yea i thought about the 10lbs and your right it wasent that much more its just it wouldent fit inside my stand persay but right next to it. not really a big deal tho.. neways.. my camera should be back tonight or tomorrow and I can finally take some freakin pictures!! not exactly what I had in mind of a step by step photo journal but what can you do lol...

anybody kno about these snails? :S are they going to eat my plants or what cuz i want them gone before i get more plants or add fish if they do!
oh yea i was thinking about it, my light setup came with two LED lunar night time viewing lights (ment to recreate the moon), will these affect my plants natural night cycle? or do they need 100% complete darkness?

thanks all,

The Lunar Lights shouldn't affect the plants one way or the other.

Some snails eat plants, others don't. We'd need to know what snail(s) you have in order tell you whether or not they need to be removed for your plants' safety.
The Lunar Lights shouldn't affect the plants one way or the other.

Some snails eat plants, others don't. We'd need to know what snail(s) you have in order tell you whether or not they need to be removed for your plants' safety.

Ok cool cuz I really like the lunar lights. Well ill have to get a picture when i get my camera unless i can find them on the web sumwher and ill let yall know.

ok so ive been doing a bit of reasearch as far as snails go. I do believe the ones I have to be typical pond snails. which do infact devour plants. I decided to remedy this problem with some yoyo loaches (which tend to stay smaller then there relative the clown loach) or if i could find them zebra/candystriped loaches. Although on the other hand i hear that trumpet or maylasian snails are quite beneficial to planted aquariums, but assuming a snail weather it be pond or trumpet is still just a snail to loaches and all will be eaten. (and chemicals are very much so out of the question)

thanks for reading,

I have pond snails. I don't have a problem with them eating healthy plants. They will swarm anything that starts to brown and die.

Light cycles mostly only affect plant flowers, and very few species flower underwater. Even among plants that you might care about, you'd have to find out if that particular plant is measuring the length of the day, or length of the night, and the required number of hours.
THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SO PAITIENT! I ment this to be a photo journal but my camera went on vacation for a couple weeks. FINALLY YES FINALLY it has returned from its journeys so I TOOK A BUNCH OF PICS 4 EVERYONE :D ENJOI

Plants (so far)
-Amazon Sword (waiting for its root tabs.. stupid mail)
-Moneywort (not sure if i like it yet)
-Hygro? Not to sure. but its growing like a weed!
-Mondo grass (just went on PlantGeeks.com found out its not a true aquarium plant grr..)

Fish (so far)
- 1 long finned tetra (moved from my goldfish tank)
- 2 Cardinal tetra (moved from golfish tank) (will be getting atleast 10 more)
- 2 Albino Bristlenose Plecos (couldnt get a picture of em yet lol)
- 10 Harquin Rasboras (awesome)

future fish

-black neons ? Pencil fish ?
-panda corys ? Otos ?
-Discus (my LFS big al's got some real awesome ones now) but im waiting atleast another month until I get those guys.

Water is a little cloudy today, I did some planting, adding of fish, etc.


The End Result as of Today. Im quite pleased.


Long Fin


Side shot. I think Actinic Lights look good. agree? (looks better in person but it always does lol)


Lookn good eh


What is this? Is it from the hygro family? and what are those white things shooting out of it :S Roots?


My workshop. lol

still workn on my camera skillz..


mix of actinic 420MN, 460MN, Daylight 10000K, & 6700K

I also made a public photo album for you to view aswell, theres a few extra pictures in it.

Ok thats it for now, Im not close to done yet but its a good start I think. So what you think thus far. Your comments are very much so apprciated and anticipated =p

Thanks as always,

Yes, it is hygro... Corymbosa, either siamensis or stricta. I'd say Siamensis.

By the way, consider putting it behind the wood instead of in front of it. If it grows well, in two weeks you'll not even be able to see that wood.
Yes, it is hygro... Corymbosa, either siamensis or stricta. I'd say Siamensis.

By the way, consider putting it behind the wood instead of in front of it. If it grows well, in two weeks you'll not even be able to see that wood.

Good call! I thought it might thing is already growing like a weed.
nicely done...I like your hardscape too, nice placement. I think you could use some more amazon swords... :) Maybe some vals.....but you have nice taste....it's lookin good. :)
nicely done...I like your hardscape too, nice placement. I think you could use some more amazon swords... :) Maybe some vals.....but you have nice taste....it's lookin good. :)

:) thanks. Yes I do agree more plants indeed! (just waiting for my co2 system) especially the swords!! I want the jungle vals probably where the moneywort is (if i keep it at all) I dont know, I still have big plans for sure. I really cant wait for my Discus though. They will be my cherry atop the glorious sundae lol. Thanks again and Stay tuned for further developments along with pictures =p as things progress.

Very nice! You're very artisitic! That looks way better than mine. :)

Yes, those white things are roots. Many of the stem plants put those out above the soil level.
wow not checked in a while ....very nice big bad tank everything is coming together for you nice.
Very nice! You're very artisitic! That looks way better than mine. :)

Yes, those white things are roots. Many of the stem plants put those out above the soil level.

Hey thanks dskid, I try :cool:. I cant wait to get more plants and fish tho.. Ill be updating with more pix as everything progresses further and of course will still be needing answers to a many questions.. altho i feel i have learned quite a bit within the last couple weeks.. once again thanks

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